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hey hey wanna feel old · 8:10am January 5th

what if is now 9 years old :3 (also a reminder that there is a sequel now the story is at 1001 chapters)

and this year i'll have been on fimfic for 10 years :V

once again, what if's sequel but in an embed. i know a lot of yall that read the OG haven't read the successor. 👁👁
since it's an anthology, there is no need to read all of what if 1 before reading what if 2.

EWhat If...
What If 2: Eclectic Scootaloo! The beginning of a new era. A buncha stories based off of random "What if?" questions.
TheMajorTechie · 67k words  ·  54  8 · 659 views
Report TheMajorTechie · 60 views · Story: What If... · #what if #anniversary
Comments ( 2 )

It's not true, you totally should read 1 to know all the lore. Don't listen to this man.

It's so odd to me. I always felt like I joined late, having gotten into the show during the hiatus between season 3 and 4, then I look at my join date and it was over a decade ago.

Do we have to have a new year? A good condition 2006 would be great right about now.

In all seriousness, some of my favorite memories are from that time. I remember the day S4 premiered, I marched in my hometown Christmas parade, for my middle school. I played the alto saxophone. I vividly remember the day, it was overcast and wet, I had my friends by my side, my mom drove me, and one friend's mom took me home. Her car always smelled so odd. I blame it on the twin girls who were little kids at the time. I actually looked towards their house and those girls have cars of their own now.

Anyway, that day, I remember it, November 23, 2014. I remember it as the 50th anniversary of Dr. Who, the Season 4 premeir, and the day after the 51st anniversary of the JFK assassination. Don't ask me why that last one gets mixed in. I think I was sad that he never got to see Dr. Who.

When I watched the premeir, it was on YouTube, from a channel called MysteriousBrony2012, who had all the episodes at the time on his channel. Cropped, of course, to fool the algorithm. I ate cinnamon rolls that were burned on the bottom.

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