Welcome to 2025! Looking Both Ahead and Back · 10:27pm January 2nd
Happy New Year, denizens of Earth! It’s the year 2025, and we’re still not doing things normally here on Unusual Things. But we are pledging to keep things moving forward as they have in the past, one way or another!
Anyway, I thought I’d double up this post, celebrating both the new era thrust upon us by the relentless march of time and looking back at how things went through the year we just left behind. Especially compared to the years before. See, it’s been a while, but I used to, in December, do a “Year in Review: The State of the Site” style post. Back when Unusual Things was new and hitting a hundred views in a day was a special occasion. But as things moved on and I stayed busy with projects, I started letting such posts slide, and then last year when a literal slide happened, I was far too busy with other things to even consider an end-of-the-year post.
But … given that slide and the absolute madness that the tail-end of 2023 and much of 2024 held, I think it’s about time we had another ‘State of the Site” view on things. But about more than the site. Just about things in general. So, if you hit that jump, let’s start talking about 2024: what happened, what the result was, and from there?
The future. Hit that jump!