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dirty little secret

I tried so far… and got so hard… but in the end, it didn't even matter at all. (Direct Support)

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Free For All Voting Results · 4:09am January 2nd

The Free For All Story Idea Voting is over now, and the results are in! I'm glad to see so many people voting in it! ^.^

And remember, if you liked voting like this, you could do it every month -- and with fewer other voters diluting your voice -- over at my SubscribeStar or through Direct Support. In fact, the next vote there -- for January -- starts today! Supporters can add their own ideas to this list to be voted on as well! (Shameless begging for money, of course.)

Winner: [P] Royal Foalsitter (6.95)

When you were contracted to be the royal foalsitter for the Crystal Empire -- replacing the former foalsitter who had to retire 'for health reasons' -- you were ecstatic that the Princess chose you of all ponies with such a big responsibility, though given that the young Princess Flurry Heart was already fifteen, you figured it would be a mostly honorary role, since she couldn't possibly need much looking after. At that age, she should be nearly self-sufficient, right? But the first time her parents leave on an important diplomatic trip, leaving you to watch after her, you find out that your list of responsibilities is actually *substantial*. And a lot of these items on the list are ... well, they're things that only the Princess of Love could think were appropriate or necessary for a fifteen year old filly! (The real question is: who takes care of this when her parents are home?!)

Runner-Up: [P] Radioactive (6.75)

Prolonged exposure to Flurry Heart (the burgeoning teenage soon-to-be Princess of Lust) will eventually make anypony horny ... eventually to the point of being absolutely uncontrollable. Eventually, after figuring this out, Cadance and Shining Armor were able to mitigate the problem by putting all Crystal Palace guards and servants on a strict rotation of shifts that would prevent any of them from being in Flurry's direct presence for more than a few hours per week -- a level that still leaves them feeling a bit jittery and worked-up at the end of their shift, but which is manageable with good self-control and no longer results in any "incidents". The fun part of the story, though, is what happened *before* they figured this out. So many interesting "incidents".

Loser: [P] The Big Day (3.23)

[Equestria Girls] Twilight (SciTwi) Sparkle is finally, *finally* feeling ready to take the next big step in her relationship with her boyfriend, Timber Spruce. She's ready to lose her virginity. And, having learned many lessons about friendship, the first step she takes is discusssing it with her friends, who all seem *much* more experienced with this sex stuff than she is. ... ... That was a good idea in theory. The problem is her friends are very helpful. Too helpful. Way too helpful. "Um... Girls? Is it really necessary for all six of you to be here with us when we, um...?" Rarity: "Of course it is, Darling! It would be unthinkable to leave you all alone in such a stressful moment!" AJ holds out some bottles: "And what if one of ya is gettin' thirsty and needs to hydrate?" Pinkie: "And what if he's having trouble keeping it hard and needs somebody to rub boobies in his face?" Fluttershy: "And what if it hurts at first, so you need somebody to hold your hand and tell you it's going to be okay?" Rainbow: "And what if he sucks at eating pussy and needs some pointers from an expert?" Sunset: "And what if you get too tired from orgasm after orgasm and need someone else to finish him off for you?" Twi: "And why are you all in your underwear?" Rarity: "Well, I couldn't possibly stand it if we happened to get caught in the crossfire, as it were, and ended up with unmentionable stains on our clothes!" Twi: "Timber ... are you okay with this?" Timber, eyes darting all around and horny as fuck: "Um... I think so?"

Full Results:

Full Spreadsheet (easier to read)

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Comments ( 2 )

The conclusion of course is that people like Flurry Heart a lot. Why? 🤷

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