Author's Quarterly Update: Winter 2025 · 11:08pm January 1st
So I'll start off on an arm update: healing, but still a ways off. My elbow's well on the way - fine for regular usage, as long as I"m careful and take things slow - but the wrist is going to be a while longer. The doc says I've probably avoided surgery but I'm going to be in the cast until at least February (with a few weeks of physical therapy afterwards). I've gotten enough back that I can type and mostly function… for a little while. The discomfort and endurance are a problem, so I can only use the hand for about five minutes before needing fifteen to recover. (Beyond that I'm operating with one hand, so everything is considerably slower and clumsier.) At least for now, writing is super slow and I'm going to have to keep stuff like Recommendsday on pause. It will return, but I'm probably going to be out of action until late February/early March.
In the meantime, pretty much all my in progress stuff is being moved to Holding Pattern or worse - almost nothing's being actively worked on. Which is kind of ironic, since I'd been considering taking November off to combat burnout. Guess I'm getting that break, even if it isn't in the way I'd planned! And for longer than I want to! I'd go into other details about plans, what's going on in life, all that - but honestly two arm injuries in quick succession have been kind of the overriding issue for the last few months.
Luck On the Rebound - This one came together out of spite. I saw the site announcement for it and several commenters whining about how they didn't want to see 'that stuff' on their feed. So I decided to make the new story column gayer just to annoy them. It turned out okay. C, maybe C+.
Oh Chrysalis Tree - My one disappointment: this one didn't even brush the Featured box, breaking my 29 story streak going back to July of 2022. But the last two times I've had my featured streak broken it's also been Jinglemas and honestly? I'm pretty okay with that. The event is worth it and it's far more important that the recipient enjoys it. (Which GaPJaxie did, much to my relief.) Beyond that? I'm honestly happy with this one. Is it my best work ever? Nah. But it's a fun little slapstick comedy of Chrysalis being dunked on. I'm pleased.
…it's still really really weird not to have one. It feels wrong for this to be blank.(I swear I'll have the post-mortem out as soon as my wrist is working again. It was about 2/3rds done when I took that fall.)
The First One's Free - Sunset Shimmer/Pinkie Pie. Yeah, okay. I know. Look, I'm struggling but Calliope still won't let me rest. I saw the announcement for the Unhappy Yuri contest and knew I HAD to write for it. I've been sitting on an idea that's perfect for it for a good three years and I'll regret it if I don't at least try. It's going to end up being kinda short and even then I'm not sure I can get it done in time, but damn it I really really gotta give it my shot.
The Bachelor - Cheese Sandwich/Cranky Doodle story.
Arranged Marriage - Crystal Family drama, M-rated.
Kiss And Tell - Lyra/Bonbon/Moondancer Rom/Drama.
The Jinxies - Izzy/Misty SoL/Comedy.
Flashbang - Trixie/Flash Sentry rom-com.
Breaking Up Is Hard To Undo - RariJack romance, starring the CMCs.
Canterlot's Secret Library - Twlight/Moondancer/Sunburst Alt-U Drama.
Neither Rain Nor Snow Nor Gloom Of Night - Luna/Derpy buddy adventure.
First Hoof Account Gaiden - Possible side stories for First Hoof, telling scenes from perspectives other than Sunset's.
Where The Antelope Play (previously Some Kind Of Hero 2) - Scifi CMC space opera
Dream A Dream 2 - Rarity adventures as a dreamwalker
A Bridge Over Troubled Waters - Starswirl/Tempest adventure among the deer
Mnemosyne - Sunset/Wallflower extended romance
You're just going to have to cut back on flipping people off while driving for a while. Don't worry. You'll be back to semi-normal before long (although I have to warn you, every year makes 'normal' slip a little on the definition.)
All the best wishes for your healing arm, bud. And I know the circumstances couldn’t be more different, and you weren’t suffering any kind of burnout or malaise with Recommendsday like I was with Monday Musings, but a break still may not be the worst thing, all things considered. You’ll still be reading and building up the stockpile, in any case.
And yeah, if there’s one time of year where even though who always get into the featured box can miss it, it’s Jinglemas. No shame, and to judge from the comments, the fic pleased those who read it in any case.
Glad you're recovering well! Sorry to hear it's gonna be a long slow one though. And yeah, sometimes the universe decides to stop asking politely. ^^;
Good luck with the arm!
Also, "Flashbang" is a just about perfect name for Trixie/Flash Sentry ship!
Wishing you the best on your recovery, Tempest! And super excited to see you wanting to submit for the Unhappy Yuri Contest. Hope you're able to get your entry out in time.