Happy New Year! · 6:27am January 1st
Welcome to 2025 all my fellow bronies and pegasisters!
As many of my longtime followers know, I changed my username shortly after my return in November from "pabrony83" to "NCtransbrony". Big mistake. So to kick off the new year, I am once again going to be writing under the username "pabrony83".
Speaking of writing, I‘m currently putting the rest of the chapters of Pinkie‘s Graduation Party on paper and as soon as I get a new phone I‘ll grind those out and release them all at once. After that will be the finale to My Little Voyager, the next installment in the AppleDash Diaries, and finally a return to my most successful series, the SciTwi Shimmer Chronicles.
So that‘s what‘s coming down the line as far as an update on everything, which I have set in stone.
Anyway, once again, Happy New Year everypony!
Happy New Year!
Thanks. You too.