• Member Since 14th Jul, 2013
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Nameless Narrator

Chronological order and reading list here.

More Blog Posts136

  • 1 week
    Chronological timeline of stories

    Updated timeline for the new two stories, and it reminded me how much pain in the ass using picture links is on this site.

    2 comments · 39 views
  • 5 weeks
    Yearly recap - 2024

    So, 2024 is behind us. What a mess, both worldwide and in my writing. Let's not delve deep into the rise of isolationism and dictatorship intents of the real world, though, even if there's easily enough to say to fill an essay.

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    2 comments · 61 views
  • 7 weeks
    Certification achieved and sickness on the decline!

    Woo! I'm now in an international database of certified [redacted]! (I just don't like sharing traceable data. And no, it's not a certified sex offender)
    Almost two months of goddamn after-work study and a week of some papa Nurgle's plague right before it, but I got it!

    I'm too old for memorizing stuff.

    Anyway, finally back to having evenings back for writing.

    4 comments · 52 views
  • 18 weeks
    POV you told a drone it did a great job.

    POV you told a drone it did a great job.

    (I may have shared this before, I don't know)

    2 comments · 87 views
  • 18 weeks
    Final update for at least a month

    Happy breaky time to everyone!
    I'm going to have to deal with a bunch of stuff regarding work and life in the next month that will eat up the majority of my free time as well. In light of that, I'll put up the next chapter of Path of a Daughter tomorrow and then I'll take a break from uploads for the whole Spooktober, since I have zero buffer for either of the ongoing stories.

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Yearly recap - 2024 · 6:28pm Dec 31st, 2024

So, 2024 is behind us. What a mess, both worldwide and in my writing. Let's not delve deep into the rise of isolationism and dictatorship intents of the real world, though, even if there's easily enough to say to fill an essay.

The Nameless Library has continued its downward slide and, as much as I'd like to tie it to the slow dispersion of the fandom which G5 entirely failed to revitalize, I don't think that's it. What stories reflecting the downfall are we talking about for 2024 then?

They're home.

The final part of the New Order trilogy took a year of writing on its own, dealing with the finalization of trust-build within the triangle of power of the changeling hive -Chrysalis, high ranks, and drones- and setting the hive on a path to a brighter future. As the final part of the trilogy, it was obviously going to be the lowest rated, but it also suffered from a major shift of direction between the originally real coup to 156 saving the hive from it and turning it into, basically, teambuilding exercise. Still, I think it closed the trilogy well enough, especially for the drones. 10k defeated its survivor's guilt, Smiley got out into the world, and a bunch of drones found their calling and role in the new society.
Still, I started to feel pretty strongly that I didn't have much to add to the drones anymore, and endless hugs just didn't feel like the way to go. Little guys grew up and got into that sigma grindset. If I wanted to keep playing with the hive, there needed to be a new set of eyes to see it through, which brings us to the new story number 1:


Oh boy, is this one a mess already. I googled and wrote down a whole bunch of standard experiments used when examining a new population, and It was supposed to be just Gloom innocently messing with Twilight trying to do those, because... reasons, really. As anyone who's been here a while knows, I don't have stories particularly pre-planned ahead of writing, and characters often do things that come to my mind based on their personality that straight up disagree with whatever little I had planned. I've always been writing like that, and it's also way more fun for me compared to a solid storyline, which I usually ends up hating because writing every chapter just feels like going through the motions and pre-planned steps of while writing a story you've read a thousand times before. However, it clearly is significantly better to have a story basically finished before you start writing but still being flexible with the events.
Right now, I have about half to two thirds of the main plotline planned out, all the character's motivations, but I have no clue where the conflict leads to. That's not great from writing perspective, but it's fun for me to explore. The Crystal Empire part is bound to be disappointing, because it's basically just setup and mucking around with drones and the usual anti-changeling sentiment we've dealt with two trilogies already, but there might be a surprise here and there. As for what the setup is for - some older readers know that there's a story called One Hug Bug, which is the final story of the Blazing Light's storyline and, in the version before I scrapped it, joined together all the story threads that were going on post the ultimate apocalypse. At the time, it joined the Imbalanced storyline and Lovebugs, but now we have the New Order drones with relevant tech and skill to help survive the final darkness.
So, what's missing? There still are three major characters who could use some fleshing out - Gem, Desert Shade, and:

Path of a daughter.

This one is going to take a LONG TIME and if I ever get to a point where it's the only one I'm writing, I'm pretty sure that's the terminal stage Nameless. Guiding Light's story skirts every other storyline and, while she understandably starts tied to her dad, there is a lot to go through. I mean, it's not as if Blazing is going to disappear soon, blackmailed by the mirror Elements of Harmony into leaving so that they wouldn't slaughter Choking, heh. Imbalanced storyline aside, Guiding has to find her place in the world, deal with Blazing's eventual return and Cromach stepping in, the Cult of the Vigil and Harmony's return, the Era of Corruption, and that's all I intend to go through. Hopefully, this is going to flesh out some other stories while still remaining uniquely Guiding's story as well. The meta goal, which will inevitably fail, is to also provide a summary of the 1684668 stories of Imbalanced storyline through it, and maybe interest someone new to read through the massive, depressing thing.

So here goes the summary of 2024 and plans for 2025. Hopefully, the world is going to stabilize a little, but I wouldn't bet on it. The main thing to believe in is that the pendulum always swings back. History teaches us, however, that it often takes more than a lifetime and there's a hard limit to what we can do. In my case, I hope my stories are making waking up each day a little more worthwhile. Your comments and readership definitely do for me.

Happy New Year, from every named or numbered fragment of my head!

Comments ( 2 )

I really loved They're Home, love each new chapter of Xenobiologist, and need to do some catching up on Path of a daughter (currently a stomach flu has laid me low , so my attention is not as good as it should be for reading)

Your stories indeed brighten my day, and I'd once again want to say thank you for writing and sharing them with us. They are unique in so many ways - I think yours are the only ones where e.g. drones are so adorable that I'd adopt one (or five) if I could.

I hope your year 2025 will be great :)

Thank you, and take your time. The stories aren't going anywhere.
In chinese zodiac, I heard that 2025 is the year of the snake, which is my sign, so we'll see.

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