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Phoenix Heart 27

"I often think that the night is more alive and more richly colored than the day."- Vincent Van Gogh

More Blog Posts1388

  • Tuesday
    Happy 25th anniversary "The Sims"

    Original Release Date: February 4th, 2000

    (Yes that's actually "Happy Birthday" in Simlish)

    Oh man! How else can I describe this game other than one word: Chaos. Beautiful chaos! I mean, just look at some of the original promotional material and even the opening of the game!:

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  • Sunday
    TDIH (02/02/1925): Final Dog Sled Team Makes Way into Nome, AK with Serum

    Today, 100 years ago, the Great Race of 1925 ended with the final team making their way into the small village of Nome, AK. This week long (from January 27th, through February 2nd, 1925), multiple relay section race was important due to the desperate need of the serum that was a temporary cure for the recent and rapid influx of diptheria. Over 150 dogs ran that race over all sections of

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  • 2 weeks
    Happy 20th Anniversary "American Dragon Jake Long"

    Original Premiere Date: January 21st, 2005

    (Full First Episode)

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  • 2 weeks
    Need. Funny content.

    Guys I'm feeling real low. Just got news that one of my great-aunts' passed today after a lengthy cancer battle. The shock's happened and passed and now I'm just low. Please send any funny content y'all can.

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  • 5 weeks

    Happy New Year everyone! Let's rock 'n roll people!

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Top 10 Worst Movies of 2024 · 6:10pm Dec 31st, 2024

Yeah people it's once again that time of year! My annual 10 movies that I personally thought were straight up garbage. Feel free to disagree if you please, but let's get this show on the road shall we?:

10.): Megamind vs. The Doom Syndicate: Tried to like it. Couldn't. A complete disgrace to the masterpiece that was the original Megamind. 4/10 :pinkiesick:s (because the animation was slightly good.

9.): Descendants: The Rise of Red: Oh wow. Seriously this was cringe. I wanted to like it more, if it weren't for the fact that this is an affront to the original Descendants series. Moreso I still can't believe they decided to continue on, even after the unexpected death of Cameron Boyce. THAT is why only 2 of the original cast returned for it! 3.4/10 :pinkiesick:s

8.): Mea Culpa: Ok there's a lot to unpack here. I wanted to like it, but this was all over the place. At least the cast was ok...Kelly Rowland did her best...that's all I can say. 5/10 :pinkiesick:s

7.):Red One: Christ on a Cane! Wtf was this supposed to be and who was it written for?!? If I see The Rock in one more generic role (notwithstanding the live-action Moana), I'm gonna weep in sadness! 4/10 :pinkiesick:s

6.): Kung Fu Panda 4:...this exists why? I mean I wasn't the biggest fan of the 3rd movie, but this was plain confusing! 5/10 :pinkiesick:s

5.): Despicable Me 4: same as the above one except I have to ask: WHO ASKED FOR A 4TH ONE!?!? This is honestly the only animated film I legit raged at this year! 1.2/10 :pinkiesick:s

4.): The Garfield Movie: It made the 2004 live-action film look good in comparison...and that one was uncanny valley high-class! Also, just saying, this did get a small saving grace in that Chris Pratt did good....ok he did the same level as The Super Mario Bros. Movie. 1/10 :pinkiesick:s

3.): Miller's Girl: Crikey was this bad. I mean who else was creeped out by this one. There's a way to write professor/student fanfiction in a good way...this felt like a bad example of that genre... almost 2010s Wattpad level bad! 0.0002/10 :pinkiesick:s

2.): Harold and the Purple Crayon:....Do I even need to say it? Yikes. Simply yikes! -4/10 :pinkiesick:s

(Dis)honorable mention(s): The Mousetrap: Yikes on a bike! This was just terrible! And I thought that Winnie-the-Pooh horror film (and it's sequel) were bad! This topped it! -5/10 :pinkiesick:s
Joker: Foile a Deux: Man did I have at least some hope for this one...it wasn't a lot, but it was there. Can't be bothered to rewatch this even when drunk! -8/10 :pinkiesick:s

And this year's #1 is.....

1.): Madame Web: No words can describe this one. I went on a movie date with my current partner on Valentine's day when this came out and we both agreed to NEVER do that again. What. The. Fuck. Was Sony thinking with this one?!? -20/10 :pinkiesick:s

Whelp! That was this year's list. Stay tuned for the flip side of this with my BEST list later today!

Til next time!,

Comments ( 1 )

I saw “Despicable Me 4” earlier this year with my nieces and nephew, and we all thought it was pretty enjoyable. The only thing I really agree on is that it did seem a little all over place and probably needed tune-ups in some areas, but that’s it.

Also, I very much disagree about “Kung Fu Panda 4” being a horrible sequel, because at this point, I honestly believe it’s been getting a terrible rap for reasons that are largely unfair & unjustified. It’s far better than Dreamworks’ “HOME” will ever be, and for me…it’s also among the movies that’s basically a version of the 5th generation of My Little Pony done right, because it has a few things in common with that series but manages to do it better. In this case, it does everything that MLP (G5) wasn’t able to accomplish.

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