• Member Since 21st Dec, 2011
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More Blog Posts2570

  • Sunday
    Took a trip back in time tonight.

    Back to the year 2000, and I got to pretend that Saban and Fox Kids didn't kneecap themselves with one of their only theatrical releases.

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    4 comments · 63 views
  • Friday
    Great News

    I asked myself out and I said yes.

    9 comments · 99 views
  • Thursday
    So, they're (rumored to be) trying this dance yet again...

    I just... Can't bring myself to get excited about this. Sorry.

    Every attempt to bring this franchise to the silver screen has either flopped, been a veering departure from, or has simply paled in comparison to the source material.

    Every. Single. One.

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    7 comments · 100 views
  • 1 week
    So... That Halftime Show...

    I love how all the defenders of Kendrick Lamar's performance are saying that it was meant to get everyone debating, dissecting, and arguing.

    I have a different, simpler point of view:

    If everyone over 30 didn't understand the message, the lyrics, or whatever feud with Drake that was present, maybe at the end of the day, it was an absolute shit choice for a halftime show?

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    12 comments · 193 views
  • 1 week
    You ever wonder why we're here?

    Rooster Teeth is coming back under new old management.

    Now the $64,000 question is, what becomes of this?

    Because by now, all of the old guard have come out and said that RT failed because they could no longer make the content they wanted to make, and were instead beholden to algorithms.

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    13 comments · 108 views

Tell Your Tale: Mystery of Missing Time · 2:57pm Dec 30th, 2024


Well, um, this week, I kind of want to say that we were robbed. Because of Allura's trust issues, this episode goes nowhere in the end, but for about 60 seconds, this was some phenomenal character development for Zipp.

Comments ( 11 )

Seriously, how many of these were leaked?!

I really jumped the gun when I called G5 dead months ago, did I? :rainbowlaugh:

My non-educated guess is when the plug was pulled, an animator or concept artist took everything that was in progress.

If they could have done a few of the TYT episodes in a part 1/part 2 format they might have been more tolerable. This one felt like the 1st chapter of a fic I started reading.

Agreed, this was another shining example of the 5-minute runtime kneecapping another fantastic premise.

Seriously, Zipp realizing the potential harm her vlogs have been doing was absolutely fantastic.

I know right? If the show hadn't been canceled money says that the next episode would have been Izzy/Sparky farting literal bubbles or some other goofy gag premise. Oh and Zipp's vlog would never be brought up again at least directly.

Wow, we were finally going somewhere with this episo- and then we're right back where we started. Unless Zipp backed up her investigation notes. But what are the odds she'd think to do that before confronting Allura?

I think we’ve still got a few more episodes before we say goodbye.

Also, Sparky I understand, but Izzy?

She used Sunny's toothbrush to massage/clean her ears...I wouldn't put it past shenanigans.

Point to you. That was gross.

Still, I think we’ve got a few more sneak peeks at the animatics before we say goodbye for good to TYT, so maybe things won't be too bad?

That's all we can do.

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