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anyway, now that Fractures is live... · 8:39pm Dec 27th, 2024

I'll have you know that as part of my grand plan for Fractures (as detailed in the Project Emphenom Standalone Chapter List), I will now be writing two sets of lore, closely tracking one another, as Fractures progresses.

The plan is to write the lore out as original fiction first, then map it to MLP-itized equivalents (adding or removing some content specific to that version of the lore to keep things interesting) and keep going from there.

At the very least, the current biggest difference between the two pieces of lore is gonna be how the namesake "fractures" that kick off the story's events were created in the first place. The events still very closely mirror each other, but as the story goes on and more details get revealed, there'll be some rather MLP-specific details that will be dropped and/or replaced entirely in the original fiction.

like, say, a research lab in Canterlot being rumored to hold the secrets to artificial(?) alicorns in its extensive research library, which pretty obviously can't be directly mapped from an original fiction universe where the concept of alicorns outside of mythology doesn't exist at all, and magic as a whole is only a recent discovery. as such, the research archives are greatly reduced in significance and rumor-generating potential (for now) and instead, the same lab in original fiction's gonna have its own little freakin' particle accelerator wrapped around the mountain that maps to Canterlot Mountain or whatever that place is called

and I guess that also brings up the question of whether or not y'all would like to see some tidbits of original fiction mixed into Project Emphenom's chapters, given that they so far have been exclusively MLP-centric.

no idea what I'd be doing with Void Gadget in original fiction. there's a chance she might remain a pony as an easter egg for Those Who Know. otherwise idk maybe she'll be a catgirl or something :V

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