Merry/Happy Christmas to One and All · 2:31pm Dec 25th, 2024
So here we are, Christmas Day once again. It is a day to celebrate with friends and family, to remember the birth of Jesus Christ, and just to enjoy life without worrying about so many other things. I'm sure many of us are only barely going to be active on this site for the next couple of days as we all indugle ourselves with whatever gifts we got for Christmas.
I didn't get any new comics to review for Christmas this year, so there won't be any of those coming. And I definitely won't lie, 2024 hasn't been a very good year for me or my family. The one part time job I was really excited about and hoping I could parlay into something better ending up fizzling out, and my other part time job has seen my hours reduced. As for my family, the only reason my dad's still working is because he was told he doesn't have enough seniority at the company he's worked for to be eligible for a buy out. Yet even he's had to take a pay cut as a result of a merger that he was vehimently opposed to. There is hopefully another part time job on the horizon for me in 2025, but at this point I'm not holding my breath.
I'm sorry to trouble you all with these real life problems. But I do want to end this journal on a positive note, so enjoy this little Christmas song. As for what to expect me from journal wise in 2025 since there will be no new pony content to cover, just wait and see. Maybe I'll try to delve down the rabbit hole of all the IDW comics I didn't re-review in 2020, or maybe I won't.
May the Lord bless you this day, my friend.
Happy late Christmas!
Huh, amen brother
Merry Belated Christmas to you, sir. Amen. Here’s to a better year.