Merry X-Mass · 2:18pm Dec 25th, 2024
Enter a scene on a train, two frienemies are exchanging gifts. One's a scarf with imagery of roses and their brambling thorns and the other is a collection of stones gathered from travels down a road. Songs are being requested and the tan mare wearing a scarf has a request of the unicorn she's given the gemstones to. She has the song, a version of one she's heard from home written out. She gives it to her frienemy to sing...
🎵🎶 I'll be home for Yule Tide...🎵🎶
🎵🎶You can plan on me🎵🎶
🎵🎶Please have snow and mistletoe🎵🎶
🎵🎶And presents on the tree🎵🎶
🎵🎶On Yule Tide Eve please will you find me🎵🎶
🎵🎶Where that lovelight gleams🎵🎶
🎵🎶I'll be home for Yule Tide...🎵🎶
🎵🎶If only in my dreams🎵🎶
Many of the ponies in the scene, with the soft sounds of a train moving in the background, sway and are misty eyed. But our sweet little Heartbreak is more than teary eyed.
Happy Harth's Warming, Merry Christmas, Happy Chanukah, and I'll throw a Happy Qwanza for good measure.
Merry Yuletide and happy Hearth's Warming
Happy heartwarming and happy new years!