The autistic warrior who loves soccer, crossover stories, and battle royal games. I am willing to help others who need ideas and quotes for their stories. I also go by Shocker95 in Deviant Arts
Hello everypone! Sorry to cut right to it, but I just want to let you know that I have turned 24 years old. My weekend was a lot of fun, but my agenda for college is piling up on me. I hope you all wish me a happy birthday, and most of all wish me good luck. Because on December 14, I will be graduating from college. I may miss college and all my professors, but I am very anxious to get on with a
Merry Christmas!
You too Cyan.
Just going to post some Christmas songs just like last year.
More on the way.
Can't help it right now. Songs from the Elf on the shelf.
Part one of course.
Elf on the shelf part two.
Part three.