Not So Grim... · 3:18am Dec 25th, 2024
Hallo, my friends. The 'Hat Man' regrets that he has no holiday story this year, but you see, he just narrowly avoided taking my hoof this week...
He realizes that this may be sudden, and perhaps out of character, but he felt it would be best if I spoke on his behalf.
I shan't go into the visceral details, but he found himself under a surgeon's knife, and a less-skilled knife might have left him no choice but to walk his path with me. But that was not the case. And he claims this experience has given him some manner of clarity. Hmm. Well, I can attest that mortals do often indeed see things clearly in my presence, yet it is often too late to be of any use.
Brief mortals, you toil away as though you are the main character in one of your stories. You stand as though your every action were of dire consequence, as if only you keep it all going. As if your time is what it has all been leading to... the Apex of Time's Arrow, the precipice of the world's salvation or destruction, and your part is vital! 'It must be,' you shout, 'or why else would I be here...?'
I understand that so many feel that not much is going right with the world. The Hat Man certainly despairs of this too. And he has despaired at times that things will never become better, that suffering is inevitable, and that the dreariness of life feels like a weighted chain which will only be lifted by my hoof, perhaps en masse in some dramatic fiery cataclysm (or, ah, he would like me to add, perhaps some manner of 'Robot Apocalypse').
But my brief encounter with Mr Hat has convinced him otherwise. In crisis, he has seen how greatly he is loved. In being humbled and brought low, he has seen the burden of his vanity dwindle away. And in tasting the sweetness of the moment, he has come to appreciate the joy and hope to be found in the present rather than despairing of a future careening off into oblivion.
For if, this Hearth's Warming - or 'Christmas,' if you like - a mortal can find joy and love and hope in his direst moment, then surely they were there all along. And so long as they are, then mortal existence is not a burden, but a blessing. A chance.
My my... what a lucky thing to have discovered indeed!
Well, the Hat Man wishes to assure you that he will make a full recovery. And that he has more tales to tell. And that he is quite grateful to you all for hearing them and expressing your pleasure at them. (Personally, I am not certain he's quite captured my mannerisms, and I don't understand his obsession with mechanical beings, but I am in no position to judge.)
Merry Christmas, brief mortals. Though we must go together someday, for now, I ask you to go forth in peace on your own paths. No matter how it may appear at first, you shall not be alone.
Glad you're doing okay hat. Book club wouldn't be the same without you and your killer robots
Glad you're alive. Thanks for the words of encouragement. Been in a bleak point of view lately. So anything like that helps a bit.
Glad to hear you're going to make a full recovery. And while Death might question if you capture his mannerisms accurately, I feel you do...and have long hoped that the Death of Discworld is an accurate portrayal of the Reaper who will collect us when it is time.
Glad to see you're okay. Thank you and happy Christmas.
Happy Hogswatch Night.
He was this close to ending up with the bean.