• Member Since 16th Apr, 2014
  • offline last seen 31 minutes ago

Pen Dragon

I am Pen Dragon, creator of Beyond Infinity and A New Destiny, and my goal is simply to make stories about ponies that find infinity stones that destroy the universe.

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MY BIRTHDAY!!! · 10:26pm Dec 22nd, 2024

Today is my birthday today and I've decided to post an unedited chapter of Beyond Infinity.

It's been a while since I posted anything for the main story, and I have a very good reason for this.

Ever since I posted the interlude back in April, I had spent a lot of time writing out each chapter. I've been wanting to cover a lot in the next few chapters. As of now, I am writing the final chapter of Arc 1 that will lead into Arc 2 with the long inevitable clash of Space and Power and the inevitable meeting with Princess Celestia at long last. I'll probably have that finished by the end of the year or posted into the new year.

Comments ( 9 )

Merry Birthmas

Happy Birthday


Thank you guys 😊

Your welcome I will be reading Beyond Infinity soon.

Apologies for the delayed response, but HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU, FRIEND!

Woohoo! Happy late birthday!

You’re very welcome!!

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