• Member Since 7th Feb, 2015
  • offline last seen 34 minutes ago


Iā€™m like a literary siren, feeding off the negative emotions of fictional characters. Patreon

More Blog Posts320

  • 5 weeks
    Digitized light novels

    Howdy, y'all. A while ago I made a blog that I was working on digitizing some .hack// light novels, and I have the first two of them up on Archive.org now! Get them here, if you want. Read below for some of the process of this.

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  • 8 weeks
    "A Girl Like Me", a short Christmas Special sequel to "Tension Points"

    Hey, y'all. For those who don't know, I once wrote a Deltarune novel called "Tension Points". Well, now I am trying to finish a short Christmas special sequel to it, titled "A Girl Like Me". If you're interested in either, take a look! If you're wondering about "Just a Pony" then read on.

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  • 12 weeks
    Leaving Tracks: Wanting to Want

    Today's update is brought to you by the letter b for bats, who wrote a blog post that largely pertains to me in many ways as well! Go read that if you want to hear about some sorta lesbian domestic life or whatever (but I'm sure that'd be of no interest to my average reader :raritywink:

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    10 comments · 182 views
  • 22 weeks
    Signal boosting

    Howdy, y'all. Real quick, not much of my situation has changed since last blog post, but I should clarify my blood pressure is doing a little better and I should be able to go back on the med that was working when it's in a better place. Now, the point of this post.

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  • 23 weeks
    No clever title, this just sucks

    Guess who got am on a new ADHD med that finally works and was writing again? Guess who also got taken off it because of her blood pressure?

    So if you need me I'll be here crying instead of writing!

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"A Girl Like Me", a short Christmas Special sequel to "Tension Points" · 8:57pm Dec 16th, 2024

Hey, y'all. For those who don't know, I once wrote a Deltarune novel called "Tension Points". Well, now I am trying to finish a short Christmas special sequel to it, titled "A Girl Like Me". If you're interested in either, take a look! If you're wondering about "Just a Pony" then read on.

I've been slowly (extremely slowly) working on "Just a Pony" as well, as my mental health is slowly improving. It's being held up by that same mentlal health though. Bummer! As it turns out, trying to write a full novel when I've barely finished anything in years is tough. So thus, I have this short (four-chapter) "Tension Points" sequel thing I'm doing to get myself more in the mental space to write again and give myself a win. High hopes here!

I had previously set a goal of finishing "Just a Pony" as well as my third of the way done original novel by May, the ten year anniversary of "Inner Strength" and the return to writing for me. That is no longer the plan, now I just want "Just a Pony" done by then so I can, by the ten year mark, throw myself into finishing that novel. I have some reasons for why this should work.

Namely, I'm changing meds. I'm going off Lexapro and onto Trintellix, because Lexapro makes me sleepy as a side effect. More energy should be a win for more writing. Even better, I've finally gotten the results in for my heart tests which, if the results are good (I have no idea how to read it lmao) then I will be moving up on my Vyvanse (ADHD med). These should be two positive med changes for me, and result in much more productivity. Add in the win I'll get by finishing "A Girl Like Me" and I think I have a pretty solid plan here!

Anyway, that's all I have to say. Go read "A Girl Like Me" or something lmao

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