• Member Since 14th Jul, 2013
  • offline last seen Yesterday

Nameless Narrator

Chronological order and reading list here.

More Blog Posts136

  • 1 week
    Chronological timeline of stories

    Updated timeline for the new two stories, and it reminded me how much pain in the ass using picture links is on this site.

    2 comments · 39 views
  • 5 weeks
    Yearly recap - 2024

    So, 2024 is behind us. What a mess, both worldwide and in my writing. Let's not delve deep into the rise of isolationism and dictatorship intents of the real world, though, even if there's easily enough to say to fill an essay.

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    2 comments · 61 views
  • 7 weeks
    Certification achieved and sickness on the decline!

    Woo! I'm now in an international database of certified [redacted]! (I just don't like sharing traceable data. And no, it's not a certified sex offender)
    Almost two months of goddamn after-work study and a week of some papa Nurgle's plague right before it, but I got it!

    I'm too old for memorizing stuff.

    Anyway, finally back to having evenings back for writing.

    4 comments · 53 views
  • 18 weeks
    POV you told a drone it did a great job.

    POV you told a drone it did a great job.

    (I may have shared this before, I don't know)

    2 comments · 87 views
  • 18 weeks
    Final update for at least a month

    Happy breaky time to everyone!
    I'm going to have to deal with a bunch of stuff regarding work and life in the next month that will eat up the majority of my free time as well. In light of that, I'll put up the next chapter of Path of a Daughter tomorrow and then I'll take a break from uploads for the whole Spooktober, since I have zero buffer for either of the ongoing stories.

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    3 comments · 84 views

Certification achieved and sickness on the decline! · 3:31pm Dec 16th, 2024

Woo! I'm now in an international database of certified [redacted]! (I just don't like sharing traceable data. And no, it's not a certified sex offender)
Almost two months of goddamn after-work study and a week of some papa Nurgle's plague right before it, but I got it!

I'm too old for memorizing stuff.

Anyway, finally back to having evenings back for writing.

Report Nameless Narrator · 53 views · #update
Comments ( 4 )

Congratulations in being a certified redacted! :pinkiehappy: And also happy to hear you are on the mend :)
I've only recently been finally able to shake off my cough (which I caught early October)... Being sick sucks!

Thank you. Hopefully, I'll be able to write down some buffer again, both for Path of a Daughter and Xenobiologists. Also, glag do hear you're getting better. If you had some bug since October, it had to be serious,

Congrats on both counts!

I hope you are doing well not-sex-offender!

Though... it either seems you've gotten an expertise cert or it sounds like both issues are related and it alludes to winning against cancer.

Sorry about that. Still, congrats either way!

Thank you, thank you.
Just an expertise certificate, no cancer. Nurgle was kind and sent me just an annoying week of coughing, sneezing, and fevers.

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