I am starting to get back into writing. · 8:53am Dec 15th, 2024
I will start to gradually be getting back into writing again today. It probably would have been a bit longer until I do that, but, I have decided to write a "Jinglemas" story this year.
It's my first time participating in "Jinglemas" and I was always unsure about participating, especially in the last seven years, because I was worried that I might not get the story done in time with other projects I am working on or with mental problems plaguing me. But I feel that I haven't been the nicest person to some in the fandom from January 2017 to December 2023. So I thought, I should be giving back to the fandom a little bit, by participating in "Jinglemas" and writing a gift story for someone here on FIMFiction.net.
For the past year, I have worked on my personality and my soul and was taking care of myself to recover mentally. I did not think about when I would return to writing proper, I just let it come to me and said that the moment will be there when it is there. And with "Jinglemas", my reason for participating and the fact that it would be horrible not to deliver a promised gift, I think the moment is here now.
I am not yet sure how regular my writing will be at the beginning. I am only starting again, I have probably gotten rusty a bit in the past year and I'm still not fully mentally recovered. I might write and work on stories for a few days and then have to take a break for a day or two where I just watch videos, unwind and gather new strength. My mind still feels fragile, depending on what events might occur, these could be longer breaks, too.
I still have the feeling that I am able to write for long periods of time again, as long as I'm approaching it in a relaxed way and don't put myself under any time pressure or tight deadline, I am having this feeling for months already, the feeling that I can write long sessions if I just immerse myself in the story and have peace and quiet. But I pushed myself too hard and asked too much of myself when writing and setting myself writing goals in the last few years, which often led to it that I stressed myself out and became unpleasant or neglected other important things, so I'm taking this easy.
I don't want to promise something I can't keep then and create false hopes that way and I don't want to bring myself on the verge of mental exhaustion. For the time being, I won't have any deadlines (other than "Jinglemas", someday near the end of the year, but I have a lot of time there) or concrete writing goals. I will just write what I can and what goes.
I want to begin by working on two stories. Both of them will probably be one-shots. I also want to begin writing on "Liza Doolots and the Candy Factory" again as soon as possible, because my friend gifted me the idea for the story and I am gifting her the story back and she had to wait much too long for consistent updates because of my mental problems and insufficiencies. But I have decided to begin with new stories, something new that I feel freshly inspired to is easier to write and makes it easier to get back into writing than a story that I know for a long time already and had trouble updating in the past.
I hope this will benefit "Liza Doolots and the Candy Factory" and everything else I will write afterwards, too. If I ease myself back into writing with fresh and new stories, then maybe picking up the older stories again will be easier and I will be able to make better progress with them.
My "Jinglemas" story is the first story I want to work on. I can't give away any details about it, because it would reveal who I am writing the story for and ruin the surprise. I can only say that it's a holiday story.
The second story is one that I am looking forward to working out a lot. On Tuesday, I was coming across the trailer for "28 Years Later" (trigger warning for violence, blood and jumpscares) on Twitter and got fascinated and amazed by it because it's so exciting and well-made, I haven't seen a movie trailer that made me that excited in years.^^
I was thinking I could write a story for it because I like it so much, while I watched it for hours on Tuesday. On the next day, when I was out for some exercise, I compared an aspect of the setting with Equestria and thought more about something that I hope to see in the movie and then I had a story title and a (possible) chapter title in my head and I detailed a basic plot. And I got some more ideas and a potential opening scene of the story on Friday.
I want to release a preview once I have written enough to warrant one and will wait with describing the idea more until then. But one thing I saw in the trailer feels very tailored to Equestria and I think it will become a very great story if I take my time and think enough about it.
This is what I will be working on, for now. I will not be too hard on me with these plans and take breaks when I need them. But I am taking a first step to get back into regular writing again now. I will say more about it once I can.
~ Fluttercheer
Awesome!! Filly Frends Forever anf a Sister for Hearth Warming were some of my favorites.
"A Big Sister for Hearth's Warming" is one of the stories I like the most and had the most fun writing. And "Filly Friends Forever" is a special story that connects me and my friend. I hope to write more stories like these again.