• Member Since 21st Dec, 2011
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  • Saturday
    So I decided to start speedrunning Freedom Planet last night...

    ...and tonight, I'm questioning my sanity.

    That final boss is a fucking brick wall.

    Still getting writing done too, no worries. Hope to have the next chapter of Meet The Lings ready to go over the weekend!

    4 comments · 30 views
  • 1 week
    Hope to have story updates soon!

    So its been about a week since I sat down to write, spending my free time with another Skyrim run instead. Hope that changes after work today.

    First up will be a short update to Roots of a Cold Heart, then another update to Meet the Lings.

    Haven't forgotten about Unicorn Attack either.

    Hope everyone is doing well!

    3 comments · 57 views
  • 2 weeks
    I... Just... Sure, why not?

    4 comments · 67 views
  • 3 weeks
    Next Chapter In The Works

    Well, part of me figured after six once-a-day chapters in a row, some followers of my new 'Meet The Lings' story might have been like this for the second half of the week:

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    2 comments · 62 views
  • 3 weeks
    The Rivalry Reignited

    I have a longtime internet friend down in Fort Worth that has been racing me in various Sonic game stages since Sonic 4 launched in October 2010. We dueled over literal milliseconds in Splash Hill Act 1.

    That then moved over to Sonic Generations the next year, where we raced for the top times in Chemical Plant Act 2 and Crisis City Act 2.

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    2 comments · 87 views

I don't get it. Is it a licensing issue? Or do they just not care? · 5:10am Dec 11th, 2024

Was feeling a bit nostalgic for the first two Pokemon movies today, I haven't seen them in over twenty years.

I got about 85% of the way through the first one before Internet Archive's bitrate went "lol nope". So I went looking for physical editions online.

Apparently, save for the earliest DVD runs back at launch, none of the re-releases over the past two decades include the Pikachu Shorts.

Was also curious about Mewtwo Strikes Back Evolution, the CG remake of the first film, and the consensus is that it's a somewhat inferior shot-for-shot remake with some dialogue changes. The Pokemon are more expressive, but that's pretty much the only improvement. One community member claimed that the melee between the originals and the clones is robbed of almost all its weight due to the absence of 'Brother My Brother'.

Eh, so maybe I'll let this wave of nostalgia pass (and thus continue to save money). Or get my Pokemon kick from the first 52 episodes of Indigo League (on Netflix).

Or wait for the Archive's bitrate to not shit the bed again.

Comments ( 10 )

Nintendo still being greedy little mother effers. They're behaving a lot like Disney right now:facehoof:

I'm so used to asking the following question for Yu-Gi-Oh!, Digimon, Sonic, and Dragon Ball, it's bleeding over into Pokémon: "Okay, but what's the sub like?"

I'm pretty convinced that the most likely reason we haven't seen a "next generation" treatment of the anime series featuring Ash's child/children, is because that would mean they'd have to confirm a ship, and that would make the anime's fanbase explode, no matter who it ends up being.

Passage of time in the Pokemon franchise is so weird.

I got about a quarter of the way through New Pokemon Snap on the Switch (maybe I'll get back to it for #BeatTheBacklog).

Anyways, in the portion I played, Todd is an adult now.

Todd is an adult, and Ash is still fucking ten. Explain that!

Probably youthful immortality from all the legendary Pokemon he's met

I've heard that theory also.

Look, if they're going the "revival by tears" route, then they probably believe they never have to explain shit. :rainbowlaugh:

Or maybe when he was caught between the two blasts he absorbed their energies and thus they are preventing him from aging until they run out which could be centuries given the the two beings who fired those attacks,


Todd is an adult, and Ash is still fucking ten. Explain that!

I'unno. Crazy-bonkers magic of some kind, for some reason?
This seems like a job for crazy-bonkers magic and "because reasons."

Hey. Hes 11 now.

Wasnt there a Mewtwo sequel movie?

Yes, Mewtwo Returns.

Never saw it.

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