• Member Since 20th Jun, 2014
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"My age is as a lusty Winter, Frosty but Kindly..." --- William Shakespeare

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  • 8 weeks
    My cat died yesterday.

    I was never a cat person. I always had dogs, specifically German Shepherds growing up. My Mom couldn't stand cats, so I never had one as a child.

    But...a little furball walked into my house several years ago, without so much as a by-your-leave! The little monster walked in as if he owned the place, looked around for a comfortable spot, and went straight to sleep!

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    3 comments · 37 views
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    Happy Birthday to Me!

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  • 306 weeks
    Happy Birthday to Me!

    I've been on this blue rock for over half a century now.

    Still don't know where all the time went!

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My cat died yesterday. · 12:29pm Dec 10th, 2024

I was never a cat person. I always had dogs, specifically German Shepherds growing up. My Mom couldn't stand cats, so I never had one as a child.

But...a little furball walked into my house several years ago, without so much as a by-your-leave! The little monster walked in as if he owned the place, looked around for a comfortable spot, and went straight to sleep!

That was the start of my "cat" journey.

I named him Buddy, and he lived with me for almost six years until I had to go to the hospital for two weeks. In the middle of the second week, my son called me to tell me he'd taken Buddy to the emergency hospital in the middle of the night because he'd noticed he wasn't moving. Buddy was still awake and breathing, but other than that, he couldn't move.

The vets said he died of a heart condition, but I knew that to be false, as I'd taken him to regular vet visits, and not ONCE did they say anything about a "condition."

I think he died because he thought I was never coming back...and it still pains me to this day.

But that was almost eight years ago. About a month after Buddy's passing, my son "surprised" me with two kittens, one black, one orange. I named them Dash and Dart because that's all they did for the first two weeks. Dash was the black one, and he quickly established himself as the Alpha Cat. Recently, I brought a molly into my home and named her Li Li, so Dash had another cat to boss around.

Then, about a month ago, Dash and Dart started fighting each other. I'd read that cats sometimes do that because they sense something... "off"...about the other cat, so since Dart was the aggressor, I took him to the vet first. He did have some intestinal problems, so I thought that was it. Then, a week later, they started fighting again. But when I went to take Dash to the vet, the little fucker would sprint out of my reach. I own a two-story, four-bedroom house, and I am too old to be running up and down stairs. I did manage to get him in the cage once, but he broke out of it! So I thought, "If he's that strong, I'll wait to take him in." In the meantime, I separated the cats into different rooms for a few days, and that seemed to solve the problem.

Dash had been yowling for the past two weeks, and I didn't think it was anything serious because he sometimes did that to the other cats, so I thought he was just establishing the pecking order again.

Then, yesterday morning, I came down the stairs to see his tail sticking out from under the couch. I flicked it to get him to come out...but...his tail was stiff. I had to lift the couch to get to him, and that's when I saw him.

The soil here in my part of the country is one inch of topsoil, and the rest is rocks and clay, so I needed to use a pickaxe to break up the ground in my backyard to make his final resting place.

I'm not writing this for pity, but because I'm still numb, and writing helps me process my emotions. It still hasn't registered, and I've been on autopilot for the better part of the day.

I do not know what I'll do when the blow lands, but I still have two other cats that I need to take care of. As I'm writing this, Li Li is perched on my bed just...staring off into space, and has been for hours.

I suppose I'm not the only one grieving.

Report Winter_Solstice · 37 views ·
Comments ( 3 )

awwww im so sorry your cat died

I'm so sorry for your loss my friend, I respect cats and dogs

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