• Member Since 3rd Mar, 2024
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Tape Deck

The liver is the largest organ, unless you count your skin.|Bands you should check out.

More Blog Posts368

  • Sunday
    Tape Deck's Mixtape: Track 246

    Been too long since I've seen that movie.

    "My Dark Hour", from the 1969 album Brave New World by the Steve Miller Band.

    You'll never guess who's playing the guitar there, but it's certainly not a member of that band.

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  • Saturday
    Tape Deck's Mixtape: Track 245

    I hate how long it takes to find good pictures sometimes.

    "Untitled" (also known as "E-Bow"), from the 2002 album ( ) by Sigur Rós.

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  • Saturday
    Completely Forgot to do Bonus Track 50 yesterday

    "Those Damned Blue-Collar Tweekers", from the 1991 album Sailing the Seas of Cheese by Primus.

    Fun fact: The lead singer/ bassist of Primus, Les Claypool, was deemed "too good" of a bass player to join Metallica after the death of Cliff Burton.

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  • Saturday
    Tape Deck's Mixtape: Track 244

    It snowed a lot on the snow that was still there today. Been a long time since I've had that much.

    "By The Way", from the 2002 Red Hot Chili Peppers album of the same name.

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  • Friday
    Tape Deck's Mixtape: Track 243

    Cutting it dangerously close today, aren't I?

    (It's close to 11:20 for me.)

    "I Might Be Wrong", from the 2001 Radiohead album Amnesiac.

    To reiterate, that album's CD booklet is where my current pfp comes from.

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B37t Out of Shape · 5:47am Dec 3rd, 2024

"Bent Out of Shape" from the 1990 album All Shook Down by The Replacements. (Their last album, and somewhat past their peak in popularity.)

This album is notable for the fact that while I love this song, I actually considered getting rid of it and haven't ever listened to it but once (and not even the entire album, at that).

I checked out a couple of the songs again a few nights ago, though, and it honestly might be worth a revisit sometime.

If not a great album, it might be one worth keeping, at least.

I was made aware of the band via a They Might Be Giants song:

"We're the Replacements" from the 1987 maxi-single of the track "Don't Let's Start" from their debut album (released later than said album). Appeared on a few subsequent rarities compilation albums, one of which I own. (It's the one this upload is from, containing their first two albums and tons of bonus tracks.)

If you blink at just the right speed (not too fast; not too slow) you can almost make her out.

Comments ( 11 )

Fun fun fun! Why are you so amazing Tape Deck??!

Both songs are amazing

idk ask the fbi or something


Pretty good songs. :yay:

When I saw this in my Feed, I thought it said "The Refreshments," the band that did the King of the Hill theme. :derpytongue2:

I think I know what song I'm posting tomorrow.:yay:

And the Residents was that really weird band I posted on one of Cage's blogs recently.

Sometimes there's a lot of similar-sounding band names, for some reason.

The FBI? Are you on their wanted list?!!!!! :fluttercry::fluttercry::fluttercry:

I'm actually an asset of theirs, but don't tell anyone.

Well, while definitely not "bad", "Bent Out Of Shape" is not a song I find very musically compelling. Popcorn for dinner is always a fun pasttime, though.

A fan song for another band is both highly entertaining and completely in-character for my understanding of TMBG.

Anonfilly be zooming.

TMBG almost had a song called "They Might Be Giants" on their album called They Might Be Giants, but it was delayed till their third album.

That would have been amazing.

It tooo me a second to realize what that would have meant.

That would have been incredible!

No way! My lips are sealed. I should have assumed, the almighty Tape Deck would of course be useful in their investigations of all kinds! You’re the awesomest!

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