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Tape Deck

<Various hospital machinery beeping noises>|Bands you should check out.

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Countdown to Christmas #2 · 2:04am Dec 3rd, 2024

I forgot that the Alan Parsons Project would have come before Anderson Bruford Wakeman Howe alphabetically, but I posted it recently enough anyways.

"Delphium" from the 1992 album Selected Ambient Works 85–92 by Aphex Twin.

Elvis was best when he did Christmas songs.

"Blue Christmas" from the 1957 album Elvis' Christmas Album by the man himself.

Comments ( 13 )

First view!

I'll be back eventually.

Pony art funny. Also love the reference to The Simpsons.

First song is good

Elvis was best when he did Christmas songs.

Eh, debatable. That one's alright, though

Let me clarify: I've just always loved Blue Christmas, so I'm biased.

Not sure if I've ever actually seen that episode, but I know it was referenced in another one. (Simpsons)

Elvis, what a classic! (Pink Cadillac, fried peanut butter-banana sammich, blue suede shoes...)

I really should try one of those sandwiches someday. (Bacon, too.)

Yeah that definitely sounds like an Aphex Twin song. Yeah Elvis had quite a voice. I’ve heard that Christmas song before somewhere ages ago. Thanks for showing us this. You’re the best as always man. :moustache:

I haven't seen the episode, either. I just know it has to do with Simpsons

Mr. Plow, that's my name! That name again is Mr. Plow. Classic. :yay:

First song is lovely. Second one is fantastic.

Fixed the image for ya! :ajsmug:

Thanks. I honestly should check out some more Elvis someday.

A cropped photo of Carrot Top in that image was originally going to be my Christmastime pfp, but it turned out too pixelated. (Or maybe I just didn't like it)

Berry Punch is actually the one I'm most concerned about there; Carrot's used to this kind of Derpstruction, but Berry seems like she should be showing a bit more of a reaction.

I associated "Delphium"'s jungle-remniscient drums with the urban jungle, specifically, Babs Seed.

During my listen she wandered a bit through the snowy, moonlit, streets, before arriving at a club. She was friends with the owner, and they were still setting up for a rave about to start, so she got a free milkshake in the corner. After some dancing started, she left and went to a small park, or maybe a cemetary or memorial. She danced some there, alone, and then headed home.

I'll agree with Cage's "debatable" comment (if only because I find such an action entertaining), but "Blue Christmas" is always great this time of year.

You're right; Berry's expression does not suit the current situation.

And I still really like the interpretations you come up with for some of these songs

Thank you. I'm always happy to do a little thinking and sharing.

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