AGAIN? · 7:47pm Dec 1st, 2024
[you've got to find something better to do with your time.]
Practice what you preach, Mr. "I have to insult people to feel better about myself, because I'm a toxic incel."
Glass House!
[well, that just goes to show that you're even more...distasteful then I realized]
Like you're one to talk for being a stuck-up faggot? I don't know what your mom smoked, but your dad could've had the sense to use a condom.
[I don't like someone raiding my reviews with awful rage posts.]
Then leave the site, or better yet- stay off social media entirely. No one will miss you.
You and your group of toxic morons did the same thing to DakariKingMykan and others because of your petty, and worthless tastes and ordering people around. If you do it, so can others! Maybe now you have a taste of what it feels like to be raged on. You only have yourself to blame! If you didn't want any shit, you shouldn't have asked for it. You threw the first stones. So, don't be surprised when someone throws a ton of bricks at you.
[ sum it all up...whoever it're not making me mad. You're making me laugh harder.]
That's it- You go right on ahead and keep telling yourself that, but you blogged about it, and you're whining and throwing a tantrum like the 2-year-old you sound like. The only one who's laughing right now is me and everyone else who sees you for the fucking waste of sperm you are.
Ciao, you tragic little cuntsplash!
Wow, just, wow. Another review from that's targeting me because of my choices.
Again? needs better moderation. And DakariKingMykan's fans need to find something to shove up their ass to occupy their time.
Haters gonna hate. 🙄
Yeah, true.
I already have. allows guest reviews.
Yeah, that's just messed up.