Update: T H E H A N D · 11:50pm Nov 30th, 2024
So short version: not my ankle's fault this time! No it was plain clumsiness and getting my foot caught on the threshold of the door while taking out the trash. Went face-first into the side of my car. Upside: not concrete! Downside: smashed my nose up something fierce on the car door and bled like crazy.
Also got a fracture of the radial head of my elbow and the scaphoid bone of my wrist on the left side. So yeah. Sling for 6-8 weeks, cast for at least 6 as well. I've got a Jingelmas to finish, but expect low words for a while otherwise. This took me more than ten minutes to type, so, uh, yeah. Speed is an issue.
So be like Fluttershy and bear with me, folks!
Wow, that is most unfortunate :\
Wish for your recovery soon!
I hope you get better soon, without complications. Best of luck with the jinglemas, too! I hope your giftee loves it
You just can't catch a break, jeez