So I'll start off on an arm update: healing, but still a ways off. My elbow's well on the way - fine for regular usage, as long as I"m careful and take things slow - but the wrist is going to be a while longer. The doc says I've probably avoided surgery but I'm going to be in the cast until at least February (with a few weeks of physical therapy afterwards). I've gotten enough back that I
So short version: not my ankle's fault this time! No it was plain clumsiness and getting my foot caught on the threshold of the door while taking out the trash. Went face-first into the side of my car. Upside: not concrete! Downside: smashed my nose up something fierce on the car door and bled like crazy.
Last week, one of my friend groups had a bit of discussion surrounding this blog. (Specifically in suggesting I feature Snowmanmelting's So Many Words Never Said, which is one I plan to but I haven't found a good match for it yet.)
So I'm running behind this week. But it's for a good reason! No injuries - I was just out of town for four days. My brother-in-law (my wife's younger brother) was getting married, and of course we were gonna be there. It was a damn good time - not only was it a beautiful ceremony and the food at the reception was awesome, but it was also heartwarming to see the kid grow up. He's nine and a half
You stepped on one of the cats tail and the cat beat you up?
I agree the cats did it.
Did you trip over the cats' conjoined tail and fall onto your arm?
So which cat did you owe money to?
In serious, hope it heals quick.
Oh damn, I'm sorry. Hope it heals fast.
omg stahp D:
Here's hoping that you get better soon!