• Member Since 21st Dec, 2011
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  • 1 week
    Hope to have story updates soon!

    So its been about a week since I sat down to write, spending my free time with another Skyrim run instead. Hope that changes after work today.

    First up will be a short update to Roots of a Cold Heart, then another update to Meet the Lings.

    Haven't forgotten about Unicorn Attack either.

    Hope everyone is doing well!

    3 comments · 51 views
  • 2 weeks
    I... Just... Sure, why not?

    4 comments · 65 views
  • 3 weeks
    Next Chapter In The Works

    Well, part of me figured after six once-a-day chapters in a row, some followers of my new 'Meet The Lings' story might have been like this for the second half of the week:

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    2 comments · 60 views
  • 3 weeks
    The Rivalry Reignited

    I have a longtime internet friend down in Fort Worth that has been racing me in various Sonic game stages since Sonic 4 launched in October 2010. We dueled over literal milliseconds in Splash Hill Act 1.

    That then moved over to Sonic Generations the next year, where we raced for the top times in Chemical Plant Act 2 and Crisis City Act 2.

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    2 comments · 86 views
  • 3 weeks
    Tell Your Tale: Mystery of Missing Time


    Well, um, this week, I kind of want to say that we were robbed. Because of Allura's trust issues, this episode goes nowhere in the end, but for about 60 seconds, this was some phenomenal character development for Zipp.

    11 comments · 198 views

Happy Thanksgiving 2024! · 3:13pm Nov 28th, 2024

I'm thankful for all of you.

I know I say that every year, and I will continue to say it. Because it's true. I really believe we have the best damn fanfiction site on the web, and I hope Genfic sees the light of day eventually.

It sucks about the fate of G5, but we're all still here, creating and offering feedback on various pony tales. In a few weeks, I'll have been here 13 years.

Here's to many more years!

Report milesprower06 · 112 views · #thanksgiving
Comments ( 12 )

I get the feeling that Fluttershy is traumatized by seeing that turkey

I mentally prepared myself for this image, because you use it every Thanksgiving. And yet I was under the false impression that Spike made the turkey and imagined him cooking it with dragon fire. (Celestia: "Spike, for the love of all that is good, WHY do you keep sending me this?!") But turns out it was Pinkie, and now the Cakes can't get the unholy smell of cooked bird out of their oven.

Never eaten a turkey before, but various comments online in my region has convinced me that it does not taste very good. Like, tough to eat and not much better than other avian kinds.

And here's to many more years of ponies, creativity and love on this community we enjoy staying in and having fun!

Not sure what region you're in, but it's delicious and economical, and any poultry will be tough and dry if the cook doesn't know what they're doing.

We brine for 12 hours and do a creole butter injection right before it goes in the oven. Comes out very, very moist.

In years past I've done it in an oven bag, and if you do that right, it'll be so tender it'll fall right off the bone.

But to each their own.

Yeah I wonder who was banned from Thanksgiving first; Pinkie or Spike.

Turkey is my favourite bird (although I've never had goose and quail only once as a kid)
The problem I've always had with turkey is that unless you're going all out like MP you want a bigger turkey to keep it from drying out, small ones just don't cook as well in my experience. Certainly nothing under 20 pounds.
But part of the why it's good is the sides. A proper turkey dinner is a feast with probably at least a half dozen sides. Growing up for me it was stuffing, mashed potatoes, turkey gravy (duh) cranberry sauce, we usually did garlic carrots but honeyed carrots were a hit too, cauliflower and sometimes brussel sprouts.

A good thanksgiving will leave you and at least 2 other people with leftovers for a week.


The impression I get is that people only deal with turkey in two cases: as a deli meat, and on Thanksgiving. And preparing it only once a year doesn't leave much room for experimentation.

We're doing it again in a month for Xmas. I can't believe we were able to fit two 16lb birds in our freezer.

And yeah, oven bag roasting was nice, but I can't see myself ever moving away from brine and injection; it's incredible all over, no matter if you get light or dark meat.

Realistically I don't think she'd even be that bothered by it given she takes care of many animals including carnivorous ones and understands their dietary needs being a veterinarian. Plus being very fascinated by a cuphocobra or something being torn up by a vampire rabbit or jackolope in the comics and saying isn't Nature fascinating while the others were traumatized or put off by it.

My mom oven bags the turkey every year with butter, 1-2 oranges, a bit of flour for the bag itself, and this year some fresh herbs (Rosemary, Thyme, and Cilantro I think.) Wasn't quite melt off the bone but for the four of us it was quite sufficient.

Fluttershy must have known this particular bird given her reaction, Pinkie's likely in for an earful once Fluttershy musters up the courage/anger to speak up.

I honestly want to combine the brine and injecting with citrus fruits in the cavity next time. My mom didn't care for it much, but there was just a hint of citrus in the meat when we did that one year.

Maybe do an Orange butter? That's what we do for the Sweet potatoes and they are delicious :rainbowwild:

Ooh, that's an idea!

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