• Member Since 9th May, 2024
  • offline last seen Tuesday


Veteran Fanfic writer back in the game. I edit my own stuff, so patience please! I do crossovers, mostly DMC related, but there will be a mix. With some MLP originals too, of course. Happy reading!

More Blog Posts7

  • Monday
    Happy New Year/Update

    Hey, just wanted to pop in for an update.

    The holidays came pretty fast and I wasn't prepared
    Christmas and The New Year came so quick and I was not ready at all. So a week or two my last update, things started to catch up to quick so I was busy trying to make the most of my lack of holiday prep so writing had to be pushed to the side for a bit.

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    1 comments · 13 views
  • 7 weeks
    Coming in for another update

    Hey readers and new readers.
    Just wanted to give a little update on my situation as to why there has been no updates on my two stories.
    First of all, yes both my stories (Devil Mare Cry & The horror story) are still continuing.

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    2 comments · 50 views
  • 15 weeks
    Quick Note & Update

    Hello readers, just dropping a quick little update,
    So I'm just gonna get right to it.

    1. The next chapter of Devil Mare Cry will be out within the first week of October,
    I'm aiming for before the weekend, so while it may not have been out within September,
    It's still something I prefer over another three-month gap between chapters like last time.

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    1 comments · 44 views
  • 18 weeks
    What took me so long to update?

    Hello readers of mine
    It's been a while since I was here.
    A lot happened, so I'll get right to it.

    I originally intended to have chapter 4 out last month
    I rewrote a lot and planned several other things in my storyboard doc for Devil Mare Cry.
    Mostly after I made the decision to have it take place within season 6 since I feel like my plans will fit much better for that season.

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    5 comments · 43 views
  • 27 weeks
    Quick Update On Chapter 4

    Hello dear readers.
    I know I posted an update already, but as you may have noticed, it's been a bit quiet on my end.
    Which is the reason I'm popping in.
    Please excuse my lack of grammar in this post, if there is any as at the time of typing this,
    I have just gotten home after a long night shift.
    All that aside, the update.

    To make a long story short,

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    6 comments · 131 views

Coming in for another update · 5:28am Nov 28th, 2024

Hey readers and new readers.
Just wanted to give a little update on my situation as to why there has been no updates on my two stories.
First of all, yes both my stories (Devil Mare Cry & The horror story) are still continuing.

I have once again changed jobs since I felt very unappreciated at my old job, I always tried to do more hoping to get some recognition, yet I got none, I was doing too much work for too little and it didn't feel worth it at all.

Been scrambling to find a job ever since in hopes of getting one before the Holiday season so I haven't had time to write, luckily, I finally landed one, the shifts are always rotating so each week I could be working days, evenings and even graveyard shifts so the constant waking up at different times has messed up my sleeping pattern a lot (It wasn't any better already so it's a bit worse now) which has also made writing time a bit tough.

Closing this update post, I will be trying to update my stories before December(My EqG horror fic will be first as I'm already well behind on my original update plan.

I will likely be doing two chapters of the horror fic first as that was supposed to have been completely finished last month. Rest assured, Devil Mare Cry my main story will be updated probably just at the end of November or at most, the beginning of December.
Just a little rundown of why I been taking a bit. Still hoping to get to chapter 10 before the year ends.

So sorry for the delays, but life just keeps getting in the way. But don't worry, more is coming.
As always, thank you very much for those who take the time to read my stories, and those who watch/follow me.
That being said, I will talk to you all in the authors notes.

Happy reading!

Comments ( 2 )

It's a pity, of course, that sometimes everything in your life is so sad, I hope you get out of it. To reach chapter 10, as if you told me that you have everything in advance. By the way, do not forget to look at my previous message that I wrote to you a long time ago and you did not answer. I am preparing another message, with consideration of another idea about Vergil. Your chapter 5, I really liked. Moments like:
-Discord seems to know Vergil as if he was watching him from another world.
-The relationship between Vergil and Ember
-The idea about the new dragon home
-Development of the relationship between Vergil and Twilight
-Hint at Dante's appearance in Equestria

I expected that in this chapter, the dragons would mock Vergil from his appearance as if he were an ape, until he demonstrated his strength. I also thought that the portal would be opened not by Twilight, but by Vergil, because he needs to imagine a place or at least give coordinates of a place and he will be able to open a portal to this place.

I hope they will make art about your fanfic, it would be cool to see.

I was wondering what was happening and such

Sorry you had to deal with not being appreciated at work.

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