• Member Since 21st Dec, 2011
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More Blog Posts2562

  • 1 week
    Hope to have story updates soon!

    So its been about a week since I sat down to write, spending my free time with another Skyrim run instead. Hope that changes after work today.

    First up will be a short update to Roots of a Cold Heart, then another update to Meet the Lings.

    Haven't forgotten about Unicorn Attack either.

    Hope everyone is doing well!

    3 comments · 51 views
  • 2 weeks
    I... Just... Sure, why not?

    4 comments · 65 views
  • 3 weeks
    Next Chapter In The Works

    Well, part of me figured after six once-a-day chapters in a row, some followers of my new 'Meet The Lings' story might have been like this for the second half of the week:

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    2 comments · 60 views
  • 3 weeks
    The Rivalry Reignited

    I have a longtime internet friend down in Fort Worth that has been racing me in various Sonic game stages since Sonic 4 launched in October 2010. We dueled over literal milliseconds in Splash Hill Act 1.

    That then moved over to Sonic Generations the next year, where we raced for the top times in Chemical Plant Act 2 and Crisis City Act 2.

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    2 comments · 86 views
  • 3 weeks
    Tell Your Tale: Mystery of Missing Time


    Well, um, this week, I kind of want to say that we were robbed. Because of Allura's trust issues, this episode goes nowhere in the end, but for about 60 seconds, this was some phenomenal character development for Zipp.

    11 comments · 198 views

#BeatTheBacklog Update 1: Black Mesa Complete · 10:28pm Nov 26th, 2024

My first #BeatTheBacklog game, Black Mesa, is done.

Never played the original Half-Life. I figured if I ever made the time to do so, then the plot of Half-Life 2 would make a little more sense.

I was mistaken. The only thing in the sequel that now has a modicum more of clarity was the opening 30 seconds on the train.

And Xen really overstayed its welcome; I understand that it was the weak point of the original, but Crowbar Collective really went overkill, and it nearly killed the momentum of the story; the only parts that made me go "wow" was the very beginning of Xen, and the very end of Interloper. I spent the better part of four hours on this final part of the game, and English dialogue all but vanishes save for two or three lines from the final boss.

Onto Half-Life 2!

Comments ( 2 )

I swear, Half Life 2 was so ahead of its time. Every time I do another playthrough I'm always seeing new things I haven't noticed before. Not to mention the facial animations (in a 2004 game) look far better than many of the animations we get today, especially Alyx Vance.

Theres just something about the "Pick up that can" part that helped reinforce that the Civil Protection weren't just mindless enemies; they're actual people with emotions who willingly became the embodiment of the worst cops in the world.


the fact that there are multiple achievements tied to that interaction always makes me smile.

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