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Unsubbed from Struggling Authors · 4:24pm Nov 23rd, 2024

I'm a little bit sad about it, since I've been a member of that group since the days when it was really active. But it's one of the worst now for bot posts, both in number and in their going entirely unchallenged, and I'm afraid I've had enough. :/

Report Loganberry · 160 views ·
Comments ( 13 )

I must say, I’d never heard of this group. At least, not enough to recognise them. Probably they were long dormant by the time I came along.

Course, I have post notifications off for all but a select few groups I follow anyway. :twilightsheepish:

Bots won, the internet is truly dead 😞

Same for Badass Twilight. I wonder why particular groups are more vulnerable.

Well if I may be so inclined, I suggest that you should try BlueSky. I am sorry if it sounds like an ad but the site is being praised for doing things other sites refuse to do. It is a nice little corner of the internet. It is only over if you say it is. I go on there from time to time because it feel like giving Elon the middle finger in my humble opinion. Another good thing is that people don’t complain about small stuff and it actually happy.

Oh, I was only playing into defeatism of this post :twilightsmile:
Will check it out ASAP, cheers!

No problem in times like these I think doomerism is the last thing we need.

The movies lied to us. They said we'd be taken over by intelligent, humanoid robots in well-coordinated human-robot wars of epic scale.

Turns out they'll just swarm us to death.

Struggling Authors has no admins left; both haven't checked in in years. Badass Twilight looks like there's one admin still around, who hasn't been online since last Tuesday.

OTOH, the Twilight Sparkle groups been getting hit by bots recently... but I'm tending to check in, notice all the spam, delete it, ban the bot, and report them. Having active admins that check in in the right timeframe makes all the difference.

Of course, some action really need to happen at the top to try to prevent the bots, and it probably won't, since I'm not really expecting any further development of fimfiction...

--Sweetie Belle


I must say, I’d never heard of this group.

Well, now we know why they were struggling!

Thanks for the info!


Having active admins that check in in the right timeframe makes all the difference.

Yup, and of course therein lies the problem. As the site shrinks, so to does the number of remaining active admins. And with knighty apparently totally uninterested in doing anything much here these days, I can't see it getting better. I dread the day I have to use AO3 with its hideously awful interface and terrible community features. Hopefully we have a bit of time left before that happens.

No problem!

Yeah, and even with me, I'm active in that I'm going to be checking in a few times a day and looking to see if anything needs doing, but my actual activity on the site is a good deal lower then it used to be, and there's a very real possibility that if I wasn't an admin in so many groups, I might've moved on.

Compare to tardis.guide, where I'm a moderator and end up spending a fair amount of time hanging out and interacting with people...

--Sweetie Belle

Embleer Frith! U Ithéil ven Ekwestria hlien-roo um nalnalt koi an ai silf-nyt mai zyhl, loith.

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