Well, I'm feeling dumb... · 8:47am Nov 20th, 2024
Hi all. How have you been doing lately? Things are getting colder, darker, and it's already looking like Christmas!... Much at the expense of Thanksgiving, which has pretty much been neglected by the big name retailers. Hopefully you all have fun plans for these final days of November, be it alone or with friends and/or family.
So about the title for this entry, I just now discovered that Transgender Awareness Week has been happening without my awareness (hehe), and today, the very last day, is set as a day of remembrance for those who have lost their lives to violence. It honestly sucks that this kind of thing is still going on, when they're just like anybody else. And I have several trans friends, so I feel bad for not knowing about it. Then again, none of them have mentioned it either, so maybe it's not that big a deal for them.
Still, be they trans, gay, bi, ace, intersex, poly, or any of that, it's important that we accept them as the valid human beings that they are, at all times. And be there for them as any good friend, for the good times as well as the bad.
So serious talk over, I've decided to rectify my goof by recommending some streamers that I've been meaning but stall to give shoutouts to. You all know about Trinity, who primarily does weekends. But here be three others you might enjoy!
Mu the Slime: Very chill slime girl streamer who's just starting out! Streams on Monday-Wednesday-Friday nights, playing very relaxing vibe-type games. For example, Diaries of a Spaceport Janitor. Which I got into, and it was rad!
Eunicids: A very fun, peppy png-tuber who actually inspired Mu to get into streaming, so there's the occasional crossover. She's more a variety streamer with no real set schedule, but when you catch a stream, it's guaranteed to be a delight! (also she's a night-time streamer as well, fyi)
Jade The Kobold: The big one: the graceful princess that introduced me to all these aforementioned streamers! (except Eunicids) A lizard gal with a whole heap of life experiences and insight on things ranging from gaming to tabletop to theater and the anime industry. She is just awesome, and sweet, and adorable, and wise, and silly, and so many other things. Recently she quit her day job and is devoting herself full-time to YouTube, and dang it she deserves to flourish! If nothing else, definitely check her out. You may be surprised to see what she's covered!
Well that's enough gushing out of me; I really need to get myself to bed. You all take care and love one another. Stay safe, stay happy, and keep being awesome. All the best!