• Member Since 9th Jan, 2020
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Boopy Doopy

My writing slowly improves, I believe. I hope to be an even better writer tomorrow. Feel free to join my Discord.

More Blog Posts88

  • 12 weeks
    Another month

    Another month where I write and write and write and fail to put out more chapters of stories. I promise every started story will be finished, hecking annoying it's taking such a long time and that my brain drifts from project to project, but (hopefully soon, although I said that before) more updates will come. Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa I can do it! No excuses, I can do it!

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    2 comments · 85 views
  • 30 weeks

    I am at TrotCon.
    That is all.

    4 comments · 132 views
  • 35 weeks
    Unfinished Stories

    Make me sad. I have several. But I am still working on them, all of them, I promise. It's just taking longer than I hoped. Need to get back in the right mindset. Even though it feels like that mindset has been lost for a good year or so, but I hope to recapture it! Every single story that is unfinished will be finished because it bugs me to have unfinished stories. I do have endings planned for

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    3 comments · 204 views
  • 42 weeks
    Lasting Memories Book For Sale!

    That's right, a physical copy of Lasting Memories is available for purchase, over at... Starscribe's website! I would like to thank Starscribe for being so kind as to allow me to sell my book through them, and I am hopeful that they'll allow me to sell future books through them as well. As for

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    6 comments · 245 views
  • 44 weeks
    FiO: Rebirth

    I have the story completely outlined, I'd expect it to be about 30k words, staring Lost Legacy visiting Kimberly, South Africa in the year 2030 and interacting with the humans of the Outer Realm as humanity slowly dwindles on its last legs.

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    0 comments · 135 views

Another month · 12:27am Nov 16th, 2024

Another month where I write and write and write and fail to put out more chapters of stories. I promise every started story will be finished, hecking annoying it's taking such a long time and that my brain drifts from project to project, but (hopefully soon, although I said that before) more updates will come. Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa I can do it! No excuses, I can do it!

Thank you for your patience once again, as always! You are all epic!

Report Boopy Doopy · 85 views ·
Comments ( 2 )

It's okay. Writing is hard!

I've recently been working on a few stories offline for the sole purpose of practice. (I will not be publishing them because they don't meet my criteria for public viewing.)

Anyways, I had a basic outline written thinking that I could sit down for a few hours a night and chip away at the chapters. After my first few nights, I came to the realization that I'm not too well versed in the environment of the story. I got stuck in a hospital scene which brought my workflow into a slog; to the point where over eight hours of writing and research had resulted in a measly twelve paragraphs!

It wasn't until I further fleshed out the characters and the environment that things started to flow naturally again.

I've come to respect authors even more and respect your determination to finish what you've started. (Many stories I've read have gone on 'indefinite hiatus', though some authors have returned years later to finish it.)


All that word-salad was just to say, "You've got this! And I'm glad to see you progress." :twilightsmile:

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