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Tape Deck

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Tape Deck's Mixtape: Track 188 · 9:52pm Nov 15th, 2024

Ocativa in different jacket/coat outfits. Eh, it's not bad.

But this one:

Oh have I been waiting to find something like this.

I walk daily as long as I have the time (and the weather permits), and I always like to bring my CD Walkman (what they changed the Discman name to in 2000) with me. One of the best pieces of technology, right there.

It's nice to see there's at least one piece of fanart of that out there. (Since it's in a saddlebag, it could just as soon be a regular Walkman, but I'll belive what I want to believe.)

I mean, I bring my phone if I want to listen to an album I don't have, but that's not the point I'm making here.

"Stage Fright" from the 1983 Def Leppard album Pyromania.

Comments ( 4 )

Ooh, a Def Leppard song I've never heard! I loike it

Those Octavias are cute

Never used a Walkman, but I have heard of them. Not my generation. Maybe some day I'll find one and use it

I have a cheap Chinese knockoff of a Walkman (the cassette kind) but it actually isn't terrible.

The CD one's the real deal, though.

Honestly, it's probably one of my favorite Def Leppard songs.

Octavias are indeed cute. roundstable.com/forums/images/smilies/snobtavia.png

I don't think I've heard that song, either. Nice. :yay:

It was back in 2003 when my mom found a backpack in a dumpster. Inside of it was this CD player:
(Uploaded to postimage because imgbb is down.:twilightangry2:)
It still works fine, but I lost the adapter, and good batteries are obscenely expensive.

I found this bad boy in a dumpster back around 2014:
Bose Acoustic Wave Music System. Original retail price: $1,000. I got it for free because the antenna was broken. It was too easy to replace it. The remote wasn't included, but my universal remote works fine. I listen to it at night after I go to bed, to help me relax. Every once in a while, I bring it into my living room, hook up a powered subwoofer (also from a dumpster), plug my laptop into the "ext. audio," and really crank up the tunage. :yay:

While I'm at it, here's my Bluetooth speaker:
OontZ Angle 3 Plus. It also came from a dumpster. Can be bought for around $30. Insanely good bass for a compact speaker (6.4x2.8").
(Second & 3rd pics are from internet, but they're the same models as what I have.)
Tagging you 'cause of pics.

Cool stuff.

"One man's trash is another man's tresure" and all that.

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