• Member Since 7th Jan, 2019
  • offline last seen Sunday


Hello, Leon Davies here, also known as TheLeondude or just Leondude. Animator, voice actor, brony, autistic British egomaniac, Dark Lord of the Sith etc. I'm also Catholic but kinda rubbish at it.

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I am so shitfaced right now UwU · 4:42pm Nov 12th, 2024

Ask me anything before by buzz wears off.

Well, anything within reason like personal stuff about me or my work. Don't ask me stuff like what's the answer to life, the universe, and everything (it's 42, BTW) and most certainly don't request shit from me or ask me to check out whatever thread or blog post you posted because you're just as damaged and validation-starved as I am (well, I'm actually validation-gluttonous but you get the idea).

Bah, what am I saying? I blocked those who'd do shi like that. :rainbowlaugh:

Report Leondude · 63 views · #ama #ask me anything
Comments ( 9 )

Left Twix or Right Twix?

Hmm...Tough choice since, while Left Twix lavished caramel on biscuit, Right Twix topped biscuit with caramel. Left Twix covers it in chocolate while Right Twix smothers it in chocolate.

Suppose I'll pick a side next time I go shopping. After buying a month's worth of lactase tablets, of course. :twilightsmile:

You know, it doesn't matter if you choose left or right because they're both chewy, crunchy and delicious.

And they both share a wrapper and a driveway.

Suppose it's like politics in that sense. :derpytongue2:

Yeah, never better.

Or at least right now, when compared to the rest of this year, never better.

Glad to hear it.:heart:

How’s your Catholic faith doing?:raritywink:

Currently strong at the moment. Especially after that one-shot I wrote near the start of this month that, in addition to being on the Featured bar for two days, was also featured on Equestria Daily. Which is crazy because, while I expected it to do well, I never expected it to do that well. :pinkiehappy:

And yes, I did give the Lord thanks for that one-shot exceeding my expectations.

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