• Member Since 15th Dec, 2018
  • offline last seen 8 hours ago


Someday, I'll stop writing silly comedy stories. However, today isn't "someday".

More Blog Posts337

  • 11 weeks
    Last chance to make requests for my 6th Anniversary story(ies)


    Okay that was lame. Let's pretend that didn't happen....

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  • 12 weeks
    Requests for my 6th year anniversary story is now!

    Yo, maggots--er that is, boys and girls. Miss me?

    No? Eh, I don't blame you, I guess...

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    5 comments · 211 views
  • 18 weeks
    Update and plans for my 6-year anniversary story(ies)

    First things first: if you had read my "The Gamer Alicorn & Human" story from 2 months ago and seen its follow-up blog about a sequel and even took suggestions on what video games for Luna, Eric, and (likely) Sunset to play, you might have been wondering "Where is what story?! Cough it up lazyass!:rainbowlaugh:"

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  • 27 weeks
    Next story drops tomorrow!

    The blog's name says it all; my next disaster of a story will be released tomorrow. It's almost ready and I'm currently putting the final touches on it. It took me a while to finally write one, but this will be my first story to have the Mane 6, Human Mane 7, and both Spikes together.

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  • 28 weeks
    A The Gamer Alicorn & Human sequel?

    I wasn't planning on shooting for any sequels for 'The Gamer Alicorn & Human'. But if it did well enough and there was an interest for one, a sequel was something I would consider. There does seem to be some interest in a sequel going by a few comments, so there's that.

    All right, now let's take a look at some stats. Give me a minute.


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Requests for my 6th year anniversary story is now! · 9:21pm Nov 11th, 2024

Yo, maggots--er that is, boys and girls. Miss me?

No? Eh, I don't blame you, I guess...

Anywho, December 15th is going to mark my 6th year anniversary on this site, so to mark this grand occasion, I'm going to write at least one story for it, but you will get to pick what it will be! To join the fun, give a premise of what you'll want in a story, who the main character(s) would be, and your preferred overall tone or genre(s) and rating for it. You can also say how you'd like the story to go and/or end or just leave it up to me. You can pick up to three stories.

There will be rules they will have to follow, though, which are:

#1: It must be something that can be done in around or less than 10,000 words.

#2: If it would be "M" rated, it can't require either the "sex", "fetish", "non-con", or "porn" tags.

#3: If it uses my human OC Eric Reed, it must be able to happen during G4's Season 8 timeline, can't (permanently) turn Eric into a pony, dragon, changeling, etc., and cannot introduce any non-EQG humans. However, a story using a new human OC(s) or an Anon that is separate from my Eric Reed stories can be requested.

#4: The story can't be a sequel to: A Giant Adventure to Equestria., When Dating a Sunset..., Caught and Punished, or The Ulima. A sequel or prequel to any of my other stories is far game.

#5: No crossover or G5 stories.

#6: Nothing about real-life politics.

#7: No fix-fics, unless it's as a light-hearted comedy or parody. Caveat: if a story simply addresses something that happened in the show, but doesn't try to "fix" it by changing canon, it can be requested. For example, a non-comedic story about Celestia asking Twilight if she wanted to be Equestria's ruler and she eventually says "yes" is allowed. However, the same kind of story with Twi refusing to take over, something a more traditional fix-fic might do, is a no-go.

#8: No story that needs to derail a character(s) for the plot to work. I.e. a "Spike runs away" story that has the Mane 6 act unusually mean without some prior justification (such as having a bad day), just to provoke Spike into getting fed up and running off.

#9: you must be a follower.

And that's it. Now I'm off to be lazy as hell do something productive.


Report ThePinkedWonder · 211 views ·
Comments ( 5 )

I'm a huge G5 fan, however, I'll respect the rules, so here it goes:

Twilight Sparkle tries to find any research that other species can use magic, so she tries to convince Eric to help her look through. Eric finds that a powerful staff (Not the one in the MLP movie) can grant its user any kind of magic possible, and then some shenanigans follow until they decide to lock it away forever.

Cutie Mark Crusader Drill Sargent's, yeah!


Your 5th anniversary stories were great, so I'm sure these ones will be too.

I love a good adventure fic, so I'll toss out a few ideas I've had kicking around.

Story #1: Pre-alicorn Twilight and Princess Celestia are thrown into a circumstance where they must work together to save themselves/Equestria. Maybe Chrysalis has staged a sudden ambush and everypony else has been captured, or maybe a new threat entirely has made it so Celestia must rely on her student for them to win the day. Whatever rating or tone you want to give it, I feel as though not enough stories feature them working off of each other and showing off the student/teacher mother/adoptive daughter relationship they have in a prolonged and semi serious setting.

Story #2: Celestia is returning from a diplomatic mission to some far away nation. Due to inclement weather or other circumstances, she travels back to Equestria via train with a team of guards escorting her. Passing through the badlands, the train is ambushed at a canyon crossing by Chrysalis and her changelings, blowing up the train and killing all but Celestia and a rookie guard. Battered and barely alive, Celestia awakes and drags this guard with her into a nearby cave. She puts up a forcefield and a cloaking spell up at the entrance to hide until Luna can hopefully send a rescue party to find them. While in the cave, Celestia and this guard learn more about each other and learn to trust each other, with the guard helping her stay alive as much as she helps him. Maybe Celestia needs help gathering resources or completing tasks, as she is too injured to move and cast the barrier spell? Maybe the guard has to keep Celestia from dozing off from head trauma so she doesn't drop the barrier and let the changelings find them? Maybe Celestia does end up nodding off and dropping the spell for what she thinks is a moment, only to wake up and find that her guard companion has been replaced, nearly killing her and Luna just as help arrives?

Story #3: While on a vacation to Zebrica, Celestia and Luna end up getting stranded somehow and must work together to get back to civilization. Maybe they both suffer the age old trope of getting broken wings? Maybe they stumble upon some ancient artifact that disables or weakens their magic? Whatever the case, getting home safely isn't going to be easy for the pair. They don't need to have a fight/make up arc or anything like that. I just thought that, much like with Celestia and Twilight, not enough stories feature the royal sisters working by themselves to survive an ordeal.

Pinkie and Cheese Sandwich know how much Soarin and Rainbow Dash are in love, but the two either can't, or won't, see it themselves, so the party planning couple takes it upon themselves to get the two Wonderbolts to confess, in hilarious fashion. In the end, their crazy schemes ultimately cause things to work out, happy ending for all

Celestia was Jane d'Ark and principal Celestia just figured it out, also add some mythology references, preferably Greeco-roman, Celtic or Norse.

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