• Member Since 14th Jul, 2012
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Nothing special here, move along, nothing to see, just ignore the lump under the sheet and the red stuff...

  • ETo The Bugle's Last Call
    When Canterlot is under attack, the Royal Guard spring into action to protect the citizens. Even the guards who have been put out to pasture long ago are willing to risk all they have in order to respond to the bugle's last call.
    Georg · 2.1k words  ·  177  2 · 2.7k views

More Blog Posts497

  • 1 week
    Sweetie Belle and Ch.14 of Bridge Troll

    Well, that's the fastest I've broken a New Year's Resolution. Anyway, to prove I'm alive and still typing, I've put up another chapter of Sweetie Belle - Hogwarts Exchange Student, with a bonus prize of another chapter in The Young Knight, The Fey Maiden, and the Bridge Troll (see below) Both involve fierce equines of a protective nature, but... Well, you'll see. (Hagrid would love Fireball.

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  • 3 weeks
    Big Red Spotted With Escort

    Better get to bed, kiddos. NORAD is tracking an incoming object over US airspace, and it's no drone. And it has an escort.

    EEscort Flight
    On Hearth’s Warming Eve, Pumpernickel discovers one of the truly unique responsibilities of the Night Guard as he escorts a certain jolly fat reindeer on a whirlwind tour of Equestria.
    Georg · 3.9k words  ·  265  2 · 3.4k views
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  • 7 weeks
    Sweetie in Hogwarts and Ch. 13 of Bridge Troll

    I'm not being more productive. I'm just posting some of my ongoing writing chapters that happen to get done at the same time. With that in mind, I managed to get part of Sweetie Belle - Hogwarts Exchange Student done last month and finished it up for you, with a garnish of Bridge Troll (below) to wash it

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  • 8 weeks
    My Little Priestess - Worship is Magic (and Ch12 of Bridge Troll)

    And Lo, the Author didst look out upon the land and heard the weeping and wailing and gnashing of teeth from half of the land, and proclamations of unlikely heavenly bliss and paradise from the other, and suspects that all of us are about Done With It.  With that, the Author hath brought forth words from a land where an infallible and Divine Radiance does rule over her adoring public, bringing

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  • 9 weeks
    Happy Veterans Day and 249th birthday of the US Marine Corps

    Happy 249th Anniversary to the US Marine Corps, and a pony salute to the veterans of the armed forces, in whatever country they may be.

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Happy Veterans Day and 249th birthday of the US Marine Corps · 2:49am Nov 11th, 2024

Happy 249th Anniversary to the US Marine Corps, and a pony salute to the veterans of the armed forces, in whatever country they may be.

(Equestrian Marine Corps from AK71 [Adam Knight] on DeviantArt)

May your steel never rust nor your skills ever dull as you stand watch over those of us who live in the freedom you protect.

Dawnscroll once left this quote on my Veteran’s Day story, To The Bugle’s Last Call, and I think it appropriate to repeat it now:

They went with songs to the battle, they were young.
Straight of limb, true of eyes, steady and aglow.
They were staunch to the end against odds uncounted,
They fell with their faces to the foe.

They shall grow not old, as we that are left grow old:
Age shall not weary them, nor the years condemn.
At the going down of the sun and in the morning,
We will remember them.
Robert Laurence Binyon (1869-1943)

Report Georg · 158 views · Story: To The Bugle's Last Call · #veteransday
Comments ( 9 )

Update on my son. He's finished his term in the Army and is married in Germany right now. Very proud of him.

Happy Veteran's Day to you all! My grandfather served on USS Yorktown in the pacific theater and my aunt was in the air force too, Nellis AFB.

Thank you! And congratz on your son! I'm proud for you!

...as a side note, seeing Rainbow Dash as a Sergeant Major is by turns funny and unexpected!

...though the artist forgot to include the hash marks.

Happy Veteran's Day!

--Sweetie Belle


The "They shall not grow old" stanza is read out during the Service of Remembrance at Dawn every ANZAC Day followed by the line "Lest We Forget" and is known as the "Ode of Remembrance" to remind us all that to forget the price of war means we are more likely to tread the path back towards it. In the past, the gathering would respond with "We Will Remember Them, Lest We Forget" but this has been sadly dropped in recent decades although some older RSL services still do it.

I have had the honour of reading the Ode many years ago at a service and it still hits me hard every ANZAC Day.

Thank you, Georg. And thank your so for his service and for you and your family’s support.

As a fellow veteran, it means a lot.:twilightsmile:

Didn't think I'd be seeing rainbow as a star sarge this early in the morning, but hey stranger shit's happened before lmao. Happy Veteran's day brother, and if you're a fellow Marine hope you aren't too hungover.

Speaking of hungover, I just remembered free food today. Time to set an alarm and take a nap.

Congratulations on your son! :yay:

I was going to put a link to a Top Gun tribute video, but then I realized it's Marine Corps anniversary. :P

Thank you Georg! And congratulations on you son!

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