I think I have incurred someone's wrath... · 12:05am Nov 11th, 2024
Someone's been downvote bombing my blog posts and I presume my stories. All I wish to say regarding the matter...is that whoever you are...you've got to find something better to do with your time.
If it's one of DakariKingMykan's lackeys...well, that just goes to show that you're even more...distasteful then I realized.
Also, if you have beef with me for whatever reason...keep it here on Fimfiction. I don't like someone raiding my Fanfiction.net reviews with awful rage posts.
So...to sum it all up...whoever it is...you're not making me mad. You're making me laugh harder.
Yeesh, some people can be so bloody petty at times.
Hope you can get this situation fixed, man.
So do I, my friend. So do I.