• Member Since 11th Jan, 2016
  • offline last seen Monday

Shimmering Thunder

Because there is sadness, we cherish happiness. And because there is anger, kindness is born.

More Blog Posts147

  • 4 weeks
    A small update

    It won't happen. The sequel won't come out this year as I was planning. I'm sorry. There's just been so much going on. It has been just one thing after another. I haven't had any time to focus on writing. And I don't want to rush the ending. There's just so little left anymore I thought for sure I could finish it in time. But no such luck. :pinkiesad2:

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  • 9 weeks
    Do you also do this?

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  • 10 weeks
    They may be back...

    It's just one thing after another. I swear... This is exactly what I was afraid of. I think I just had a gallstone attack. I will never, ever forget that feeling. And this is just the same. For almost a decade later too. I was afraid that if I ever tried losing weight again, they may come back. Even if my gallbladder was removed. What else could this be? The same crippling pain, the cold sweat,

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  • 14 weeks

    I wrote a long blog post, clicked send, and it said I needed to log in... I'm not going to write it all again... So, here's the summary:

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  • 18 weeks
    I'm so excited!

    It could literally happen this year! I may finally finish and release the sequel! But that's not the whole reason I'm excited! I was really struggling with the last chapter and suddenly as I was writing it, everything just clicked! I came up with something amazing at the end. And I literally cried as I wrote it! This is one of the reasons why I write without a script. Had the events been

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They may be back... · 2:13am Nov 7th, 2024

It's just one thing after another. I swear... This is exactly what I was afraid of. I think I just had a gallstone attack. I will never, ever forget that feeling. And this is just the same. For almost a decade later too. I was afraid that if I ever tried losing weight again, they may come back. Even if my gallbladder was removed. What else could this be? The same crippling pain, the cold sweat, the agony, and the anxiety... I pray this is just a one-off... But I'm not naive enough to think I'm that lucky. Just when I started to get over what happened in the last blog post. And there has been another health issue as well on top this one already. I'm not the only one, though. My whole family has a slew of different problems too. Most are health related. Just what kind of curse has been cast upon us? It's just one thing after another... Bam, bam, bam, bam, bam! You get a problem! And YOU get a problem! And you get an extra problem! Problems for everyone! I'm losing it...

I'm thinking about my story... I basically have two options here. Force myself to finish it, or release it unfinished. But even if it was the last thing I do, I will publish something. It was this site fandom, the show, and the site that once gave me the comfort I needed in my darkest days. I owe it to you. Even if nobody cares or reads it...

I will have to wait and see where things go from here. And I will have to get this thing checked out as soon as possible. I am not going to suffer from this for years again... Not even months. Hopefully not even weeks. I just can't handle it again... I'll go under the knife for the third time if I have to. But I would also like to finish the story before that... Just in case something goes wrong.

I know this is all gloomy and depressing and that nobody wants to hear it. But this is one of my few outlets I have. Let's hope everything goes well in the end... And my life, as well as my family's life, will get back to normal soon...

Report Shimmering Thunder · 35 views ·
Comments ( 2 )

Damn, this sucks; I'm sorry you're going through this :ajsleepy:. That said, I would suggest to go get this check out ASAP. Maybe it's nothing serious, or even just stress (and judging by the reactions of many people to the re-election of you-know-who, I would strongly consider the possibility :unsuresweetie:), but it's worth checking out just in case. Stories can wait.

Yeah, I should definitely get that checked out as soon as possible. But I have been feeling great now. I almost want to see if it will happen again before talking further action. Maybe it was something else. But either way, I'll have to take even better care of myself. For sure if it happens again I'll get the confirmation and immediately get it taken care of. I just... Wish it was something else for now and that it won't happen again. I guess I'm really stubborn like that. :facehoof:

I know the stories should wait... But I kinda want to finish it before Christmas for a specific reason. I know it sounds kinda weird. But yeah... Maybe I should take care of myself first. Or just really push that last chapter through. And then edit the whole thing. Just brute force it. :pinkiecrazy:

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