• Member Since 12th Nov, 2012
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Perfection? I don't want that, because that would mean stopping, standing still, instead of improving.

More Blog Posts82

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  • 3 weeks
    Horizon Side Story

    Recently a new idea came to mind, to send Sunset Shimmer into the Horizon game series, as in Zero Dawn and Forbidden West, to grow up as Aloy's sister and maybe help the stubborn heroine out. Any thoughts on the matter?

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Horizon Side Story · 5:47pm November 6th

Recently a new idea came to mind, to send Sunset Shimmer into the Horizon game series, as in Zero Dawn and Forbidden West, to grow up as Aloy's sister and maybe help the stubborn heroine out. Any thoughts on the matter?

Report Blackdrag-rose · 100 views ·
Comments ( 11 )

In the seconds since reading this...

On one hand, I'd probably say Fluttershy would fit just to see how she'd connect with the robo-creatures.

On the other hand, I'd still read Sunset's journey.

I'm down to read that.

I actually like the idea of Fluttershy doing it instead of Sunset a bit more, because her connection with animals and nature would really make things interesting if she were in that series, but you do whatever works best for you, it's a great idea no matter what.

Perhaps have both Fluttershy AND Sunset in the Horizon universe? It sounds like a win-win for everyone!

"Stubborn" Heroine?

I've maybe starting to adding the Horizon Series as my next new game hobbies and it's YouTube Videos. But I didn't think Aloy would be the type to be "stubborn"?

Yeah, having both Fluttershy and Sunset would be great! I think they'd be a great matchup with Aloy for the Horizon series!

It'd be an interesting crossover. Are you thinking Sunset appearing with baby Aloy and both being raised by Rost, or something else?

Fluttershy would be interesting, but it would depend on how she interacts with the metal creatures. I'm not sure I'd like the idea of using kindness and magic to override machine programming, if that's what people are thinking of.
Maybe she'd recognize that the machines are protecting and nurturing the world, and would have a different view of them because of that.

5814211 The idea was Sunset appearing in Rost's area, so she and Aloy would be raised together.

5814167 Oh yeah, Aloy can be incredibly stubborn at times, especially in Forbidden West. Often times it's basically her way or she's not helping. I will say that I enjoyed the games, especially the second one.

As MDCommissioner said in his comment, on one hand Fluttershy would be interesting, but on the other it would be absolutely cool to see how the story is changed by Sunset going to the Horizon series. I say do it!

I imagine Sunset scolding Aloy with Sunset being the analytical sister and Aloy the fearless sister.

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