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Writers update # 8 · 1:07pm Nov 6th, 2024

Major change in the current and future arcs.

I've re-read some criticism regarding the story's phasing, and clearly, revamping the chapters isn't enough. I'll also expand the chapters a bit by reducing half the word count on each and moving them to an expanded chapter. I had trouble doing so (considering the covers said a specific number of chapters covered by the said arc).

With some careful thinking, I just decided to split the chapters in half. Arcs 2 and 3 are easy, but with the first one, I might really need to split each apart so it's easier to read and move on to the next. The story is still the same overall, and I'll be doing that on Wattpad as well.

I'm almost done with the revamp, and hopefully, soon, I can work on the next arc and/or start making some scenes for each chapter. Who knows? That's my update for today, and thanks for the support.

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