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Phoenix Heart 27

"I often think that the night is more alive and more richly colored than the day."- Vincent Van Gogh

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Happy 20th Anniversary Disney/Pixar's "The Incredibles" · 3:46pm November 5th

Original Release Date: November 5th, 2004

Yes people,this really is 20 now....

(⬆️ The teaser trailer that's honestly still pretty funny)

(⬆️ The First actual trailer, that blessedly didn't spoil a thing!)

Yeah...weird in that I managed to see 2 movies in theaters that month in 2004 and NONE of them was this one. I had to wait for the DVD release in 2005, so I could watch this. Man did we really get a lot of hits in the 2000s from Pixar, but this has still gotta stand out as one of my top favorites! And now! Some scenes!:

(If you can't quote this whole thing word for word, don't talk to me.🤣😆)

Seriously, can't believe it's been 20 years (and that we'd get a sequel almost 14 years later) and that there's plans for a 3rd movie! Once again, cheers for 20 years!

That is all,

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