Voting is important for folks in the US. Once you're done with that, vote on how Fractures should start, too! · 7:24am November 5th
- Start the story with Twilight and Gadget in Equestria, and toss them into a fully original-fiction universe
- Start the story with Lisa and Zoey on Earth, and toss them into a heavily AU Equestria
I have before you two versions of the same story pitch. One would lead to a "Pony on Earth"-type scenario, and the other, "Human in Equestria".
Your choice determines how this version of my Fractures project shall begin.
By Jove I wanted both so badly, but if I were up against a wall and my arms are twisted, I think I can see LZ-Eq (Lisa Zoey in Equestria) a bit better than TG-Ea (Twilight Gadget on Earth).
Don't get me wrong, both have its own merits: with LZ-Eq, you have control over your characters, and with TG-Ea, you have control over your worldbuilding. But I think it's harder to do character than world, and so it would be greater an achievement to pull off.
tl;dr: Lisa & Zoey in Equestria
...Deciding was hard, believe me.
On the one hoof, it's Twilight and Gadget.
On the other hoof, it's Lisa and Zoey.
Starting in Equestria and going to Earth versus starting on Earth and going to Equestria.
I love Twilight, but I also love a story that primarily takes place in Equestria.
But ultimately...
I'm going to have to go with Twilight and Gadget on Earth.
Here's why:
-Ponies learning how to walk on two legs is amusing.
-Their interactions seemed... more intriguing, somehow, I think because the idea of a mentor and mentee makes more sense with ponies because Twilight is a princess so she takes students.
-I am obsessed with Twilight.
However, if you ended up choosing Lisa and Zoey in Equestria, I would definitely still read it.
That's my two bits.