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dirty little secret

I tried so far… and got so hard… but in the end, it didn't even matter at all. (Direct Support)

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No Nut November Clopfic Contest! · 7:23am Nov 1st, 2024

I'm opening a new contest for November, with the perfect theme for November!

🚫πŸ₯œ No Nut November Clopfic Contest! 🚫πŸ₯œ

$400 In Total Prizes!

$150 1st Place Prize!

$25 Prize for New Clopfic Writers!

24 Fun Prizes to Win!

🚫πŸ₯œ Prompt 🚫πŸ₯œ

Write a clopfic with NO orgasms in it -- make your readers cum without letting your characters cum!
- Must still be a clopfic -- must still be sexy/arousing, and should still legitimately have the [mature] and [porn] tags.
- Must contain no orgasms, neither male nor female (nor other).
- Not allowed to have "off-screen" orgasms, either. You can't "fade to black" with the implication that an orgasm is about to happen. You can't specify or imply that an orgasm has happened in the past, either.
(Within reason, though, of course. If you want to establish that two characters have had sex to completion many times in the past, that's fine. If you want to imply that they'll likely have sex many times in the future and presumably reach orgasm then, that's also okay. Just don't say that they did so immediately before this story begins, or that they're about to right after this story ends, or that they did so in a break between two chapters of this story. No "Was that an orgasm? Who knows? I'm not sure!" funny business, either. Don't try to find any sneaky way to cheat around the 'no orgasms' rule.)

🚫πŸ₯œ Timeline 🚫πŸ₯œ

Submissions Open: Nov 1st
Submission Deadline: Nov 30th (11:59 PM Pacific Standard Time)
Judging Deadline: Dec 15th
Winners Announced: Dec 16th
Prizes Distributed: Jan 16th (or earlier)(best effort)

See the contest group page for full rules, prizes, and how to submit!

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Comments ( 13 )

oh, it November- well I failed 1-2 times now then,

But... but that's the best part of the story!

You still have a chance at success ... in this contest! ^.^

That's why it'll be a challenge to do without it! :rainbowdetermined2:

Oh, I already have ideas for this. Let's just hope i can finish, unlike the characters I'll be writing.


Let's just hope i can finish, unlike the characters I'll be writing.

Now that's getting into the spirit of it! ^.^

Sure, why not? Maybe if my own NNN fic doesn't mentally kill me first.

I, too, hope for your survival!

Hehehehehehhehe..this is going to be fun to watch!
Then it's going to be fun to read it all once I complete NNN.

Wait a tick...there's already a submission and it has the "creampie" tag?

No, no. That's just one of my own stories, there as a placeholder.

Because there's a bug in Fimfic where one of the two ways to add a story to a group folder doesn't work if that folder is empty. To avoid any contestants having problems with that, I put one of my own stories in there first, so the folder isn't empty. Once we have at least one real submission, I'll remove that placeholder story from the group.

Thank you for clarifying that bit.

Free idea who feels they can do it justice, which I do not think I can.
Daring Do and Ahuizotl in "The Ultimate Edge".

Daring gets word that Ahuizotl was seen in some area he hasn't been seen in before and so looks into what he might be looking for in that area. She comes across vague near totally destroyed references to something called "The Ultimate Edge" which she thinks is a weapon and sets off to stop Ahuizotl from finding it.
Thing is, Ahuizotl knows full well where it is already and is upkeeping the various protections on the place; feeding the snakes, sharpening the spikes, greasing the water trap gates and so on. He also knows what is being kept there and he just CAN. NOT. convince Daring to leave things alone and she winds up releasing the demon slash cursed object slash kinky immortal lich or whatever you want it to be that makes everyone horny but unable to cum. Add in other fetishs as desired.

Aw, come on. You could try it! ^.^

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