• Member Since 20th Dec, 2013
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David Silver

You can get your own story written or push a current story for more updates at his Patreon!

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November Calendar! · 6:37pm October 29th

New Month, new story! I hope you're ready for adventure as we head back to Everglow.

TPonyfinder: Burning in Ashes
She practiced the arts that so many of her peers seemed to be 'past.' Kirin magic was worthy of investigation, above and beyond unicorn tricks. Fire, heat, emotion, and burning resolution. She had to learn if it worked as one was buried in ashes.
David Silver · 6.2k words  ·  17  1 · 115 views

You could help me do these words by joining my patreon. We even have new tiers to get shouted out with each and every update! Or I could be joyfully writing up your idea for, or with, you. I'm writing a collab with someone who's not on the above because, as a collab, it's on their schedule, not mine.

Report David Silver · 73 views ·
Comments ( 1 )

going back to Everglow would be interesting.

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