• Member Since 2nd Mar, 2014
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Baal Bunny

Part of the AugieDog family of companies

More Blog Posts51

  • 6 weeks
    Two Poems and a Story

    The one poem that's free to read:

    Is actually seasonal, too!

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  • 172 weeks
    Semi-Original Fiction


    Back in Feb. 2020, I wrote a story for one of the "original fiction" Writeoffs that nonetheless had some Pony content. It was a slightly unusual situation all around.

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  • 192 weeks
    Another Rewritten "Writeoff" Poem

    Back in November:

    The 176th Writeoff contest was for poetry and had as its prompt "Can It Be Salvaged?"

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    2 comments · 316 views
  • 206 weeks
    Seasonally Appropriate Content

    From October 2016 through October 2017:

    I participated in every weekly contest at Poetry Nook. Of the 52 poems I entered during that time, I won the contest once and got four "honorable mentions." One of those was for the following, the poem I entered Christmas week of 2016.


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  • 210 weeks
    A New, Semi-Related Short Story

    If you'd rather read:

    The actual story instead of all my falderol about the story, clicking on the title "The Sleep of Reason" will transport you scientifically to the Zooscape website where said story is now displayed. But if you'd like the backstory, too...

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Two Poems and a Story · 12:10am October 29th

The one poem that's free to read:

Is actually seasonal, too!

Though technically, you can't read it. You can only listen to me read it.

It's called "Hallowe'en Weather," and it's up now as part of the 2024 SFPA Halloween Poetry Reading. It's a little more than halfway down the page and has a picture beside it of a jack-o-lantern under a palm tree that I put together from a couple public domain images I found on the internet.

The poem that you have to pay to read is in issue #128 of the magazine Dreams & Nightmares. The ordering instructions, as near as I can tell, don't say how much it is for a single print copy of an issue, but it's $1 for a PDF. I haven't actually seen the issue yet, but a look at the table of contents makes me think the editor may have left my middle initial out of my byline. The poem's called "A Ballade of Intestinal Flora," and it's also kinda appropriate for the season, now that I think about it.

The story, then, "It Takes a Village," used to be up here, but I "unpublished" it to replace all the Pony references with stuff I made up myself. It's in vol.3 no.2 of Journ-E: The Journal of Imaginative Literature. The actual printed magazine is a trifle expensive what with it being more than 220 pages long, but folks can get a PDF copy for $5 by following the ordering instructions at the bottom of this page here.

This is the third story I've had published in Journ-E. The others're in vol.2 no.2 and vol.3 no.1 in case anyone would like to order those as well. I reckon I'll keep sending the editor stuff till he goes out of business: that's the fate of most magazines these days, alas... :eeyup:


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