Episode Re-Review: Growing Up is Hard to Do · 4:56pm October 26th
G4 may be continuing, to an extent, in the IDW comics. It's been confirmed that we'll be getting a comic series focused on the origins of Princess Cadence in 2025. Meanwhile, a G5 pitch bible reveals that there were plans to explore additional pony types like bat ponies, and as was speculated was going to explore Skyros, the place where Celestia and Luna would have come from. 2025 will be interesting, because for the first time since My Little Pony Tales wrapped up back in 1992, there will be no new pony content in terms of animated media. But for now, we're here to cover the last episode I skipped over during my re-review session in 2021. This one has a very interesting production. Ed Valentine is credited with writing this episode, even though he had not written an episode since "The Fault in Our Cutie Marks" all the way back in Season 6. But apparently, this episode was originally in production all the way back in Season 4, but was then inexplicably shelfed. Ed apparently wanted to permanently age up the CMC here. Obviously, that's not what ended up happening. But did this more or less "lost episode" turn out good because it had more time to be tweaked, or did it only prove it was better off remaining on the cutting room floor? Well, let's find out.
The episode begins with the CMC looking forward to attending the Appleloosa County Fair. However, because they were so busy preparing for it, they forgot to ask one of their big sisters to be a chaperone. As it turns out, all three are busy. Rarity is working on a new design for Fancy Pants (weird how this is the first indication that he has anything to do with the world of fashion aside from his cameo in "Rarity Takes Manehattan"), Rainbow Dash needs to help Spitfire corral some loose storm clouds, and Applejack has to take care of Big Macintosh who's sick. Applejack also makes it clear the CMC are not allowed to go to the fair themselves, they need a chaperone. Weird how they apparently didn't need one to go to Canterlot in "For Whom the Sweetie Belle Toils", or to go to wherever it is Scootaloo's aunts were living in "The Last Crusade". I'm going to assume Ed didn't know about that episode, given that there's no mention of Scootaloo's aunts or her family, which would fit with this being a holdover from Season 4. Even Rainbow Dash saying she needs to help Spitfire doesn't automatically mean it's nodding to Rainbow Dash being a Wonderbolt, it could be similar to Spitfire overseeing the water lifting back in "Hurricane Fluttershy". Still, given some later developments, this lack of knowledge about Season 9 and "The Last Crusade" is really going to hurt this episode's narrative.
The CMC then go to Twilight's castle to ask Fluttershy, but she and Twilight are busy researching a strange, magical flower that Starswirl the Bearded gave them. That means this obviously has to be taking place after "Shadow Play", which at least means Starlight Glimmer should be considered an eligible chaperone. Heck, they don't explain why Pinkie Pie or Spike can't do it, even though we saw Spike was able to go on the train with the CMC back in "Just for Sidekicks", and Pinkie Pie not only babysits the Cake Twins but was also allowed to chaperone kids on Nightmare Night back in "Luna Eclipsed". It's just like how in "Rainbow Falls" Thunderlane and Flitter saying they can only compete in one event and are needed on the air sprinters doesn't explain why Rainbow is flying with Fluttershy and Bulk Biceps on the aerial relay. You explain away a few characters, but not all the characters who could fill the role. And if it's that easy to find a workaround, then your story needs to be rewritten.
Anyway, Twilight and Fluttershy go to try and find more information about the flower, and the CMC complain about how it's not fair that they can't do anything by themselves. They express aloud how they "wish" they could be grown-up, then a petal falls from the flower and the CMC are encased in giant petals that transform them into full grown mares. I will give them credit, the designs are actually pretty good. And interestingly, we never see Scootaloo use her wings at any point, likely nodding to what was more or less confirmed in "The Washouts".
However, we'll never see the CMC interact with anypony they know, so any potential surprise factor is gone. They just board the train, and this launches us into the song "Bein' Big is All It Takes". It's an okay song, nothing special. It basically reinforces what the episode is painfully obviously going to do: The CMC think growing up means they can do whatever they want now, and no one can tell them what to do, even if they want to do very obviously childish things. Also, there's one line that really didn't age well and should've been cut: The line "Facts don't matter". I'll assume they wrote this back when the episode was originally in production for Season 4, but by the time of Season 9 we had the rise of "Fake News" and "Alternative Facts". And five years after this episode's airing, the problem has only gotten worse because we now have A.I. that can imitate artists and voice actors, and Twitter has gone private and become a cesspit of misinformation (thanks, Elon Musk).
Well, once the song ends, the train stops and the CMC find themselves in the wrong place, and even meet the same ticket pony Fluttershy and Applejack met back in "Sounds of Silence". And apparently, the CMC didn't know they were going here, they just got on the train and assumed all trains go to where you want them to go. But this doesn't explain why the conductor accepted their tickets if the train wasn't going to Appleloosa in the first place. They decide to treck through what is called Hayseed Swamp to try to reach Appleloosa on foot. But they get lost. That is, until they encounter earth pony siblings named Biscuit and Spur, who are having an argument over whether or not to take their pet named Bloofy to the Appleloosa County Fair. The CMC intervene and propose letting Biscuit and Spur accompany them to the fair despite their concerns.
And once the CMC reach Appleloosa, they run off immediately to enjoy the fair, while a fair attendant proposes that Biscuit and Spur enter Bloofy in an animal showcase. Spur ultimately catches up to the CMC as Biscuit is entering Blooper in the showcase, and despite Spur saying she's taken care of Bloofy for longer, the CMC say she should take a break and let Biscuit do what he wants. Naturally, this backfires, because Bloofy turns into a tornado when he gets nervous and starts tearing up the fair ala Tazmanina Devil style.
As luck would have it, Twilight and Fluttershy arrive in Appleloosa at that moment, having gone off to search for the CMC. Fluttershy soon identifies the problem, Bloofy is a creature called a Whirling Mungtooth, and it will only calm down in the presence of its owner. Twilight and Fluttershy then evacuate the stadium where the creature showcase is taking place, while the CMC manage to find Spur and get her to calm Bloofy down with help from Fluttershy. Despite the destruction, Spur and Biscuit still win an award for "Most Interesting Creature". So it looks like it's all's well that ends well.
Back at the train station, however, Twilight and Fluttershy opt to expose the CMC in front of Spur and Biscuit even though they have no reason to do so other than because I guess they want to shame and publicly humiliate them.
Then, Twilight more or less forces the CMC to use up the last petal of the flower, deciding that Starswil will understand and apparently having learned what it can do (all off-screen). But they once again slip up when the CMC say "We wish we were foals again", when the better wording would've been "We wish we were fillies again". I get that foals is a term used interchangably for kids, but what was wrong with fillies? Anyway, Spur and Biscuit are apparently not shocked to see the CMC revert back to normal, and they're even okay with letting the CMC come visit them someday (wherever they live, it's not specified where), so long as they have an actual grown-up accompanying them. But it begs the question of where the heck Spur and Biscut's parents are if they needed an adult to chaperone them to the Appleloosa County Fair too.
And that's the story, so what do I think of the episode? To be honest, this episode should've remained a lost episode and stayed on the cutting room floor. I could see the CMC thinking this childish about how growing up works in Season 1 or early Season 2. But even for Season 4 when this was originally planned, the CMC were old enough to have dealt with tabloid journalism, the dangers of gossip, blackmail, the possibility of a permanent physical disability, seeing that words can hurt, and even develop talents of their own. They would be more than old enough and mature enough to understand that growing up is not all fun and games, and that trains don't just magically go where you want them to go. They obviously tried to talor the script to fit into a post Season 7 world, given that they mention Starswirl the Bearded. But they still don't explain where any of the countless other characters are who could fill the role of chaperone, or why the CMC suddenly aren't allowed to go on a train all by themselves despite being allowed to do just that in "For Whom the Sweetie Belle Toils" and "The Last Crusade". Everything after that just feels like contrivence for the sake of having a story. Spur and Biscuit are completely uninteresting characters, and their pet Bloofy feels like a glorified plot device. To top it all off, it's not only not explained how Twilight and Fluttershy found out what the CMC did, but they decide to expose the CMC afterwards for no good reason. If it were one of the CMC's big sisters, particularly Applejack or Rarity, I could understand them being upset and willing to embarrass the CMC to teach them a lesson. But this isn't even like Cheerilee punishing the CMC over the love poison incident. How were the CMC supposed to know about this creature that only Fluttershy knew about? They had no way to know things would get that bad. If anything, Spur and Biscut should've both known better, and if they didn't it makes you question why they're allowed to keep something like that as a pet without being explicitely warned what not to do. It's not even like Gremlins where the shop owner vaguely warns what not to do with Gizmo.
Heck, if this is taking place in Appleloosa, why can't Braeburn or Sheriff Silverstar be a chaperone while the CMC are in town? They could easily make sure the CMC come and go without harm, and could send word if they got lost. All this episode really accomplished was giving the animators an excuse to create grown-up models of the CMC that they could re-use for "The Last Problem". But given that they had to make changes to the mane six's models post time-skip there (sans Twilight who was just a lazy recolor of Celestia's model), and even make models of grown-up Diamond Tiara, Silver Spoon, and Twist, I don't see why they needed to make the models for the grown-up CMC ahead of time. All in all, though, I'm not mad with this episode. It's not even close to being as bad as the two episodes that preceeded it. It's just a very disappointing decision for what is debatably the CMC's last episode ("The Big Mac Question" could also count depending on how you look at it, and there the CMC's mistakes felt more believable and more like the kind of mistakes they'd make as kids even after all they've been through). Again, did we really need to waste an episode slot on this, an episode with the most cliche moral about growing up that fails to acknowledge that grown ups can still have fun and still enjoy things made "for kids"? Assuming we had to have an episode related to growing up, why not make it a flashback episode, or even an age-regression episode? Ultimately, this episode gets a C-, it's filler and not even very good filler.
Well, that's it for the episodes of FiM, but I still have two more things I want to cover before everything wraps up. So next week is a look at what was ultimately the last thing Equestria Girls ever did after Hasbro abruptly pulled the plug on it: "Holiday Unwrapped". Although it isn't so much a special as it is just a collection of shorts with a Christmas theme to them.
The timing of the episode is weird, I'll agree
But i still find it enjoyable enough to overlook that
Would you consider reviewing more MLP comics by IDW in the near future? Such as the King Sombra comics by Jeremy Whitley?
5811902 Maybe.
First off, I just wanna say congratulations on re-reviewing all 221 episodes of Friendship is Magic, SPB12.
As for this episode, I'm of two minds with it. On the one hand, it is better than the retcon buffet that was Daring Doubt. But on the other, it certainly feels weird having this be the final CMC episode. At the very least, this and The Last Crusade should've switched places not only so the latter can be the true end of the CMC saga, but also to justify why Scootaloo's aunts couldn't chaperone the trio. Also, as far as Ed Valentine episodes go, I'd say this one is middle of the road. That is to say, it's better than Three's a Crowd and The Cart Before the Ponies, but not as good as Flight to the Finish and The Fault in Our Cutie Marks.
I was just curious.
The majority of the comics were pretty much the only things I can think of in which you could probably do reviews for, especially in terms of MLP-based content.
Here is a complete list of the first and last speaking lines of every character I missed who had a speaking role in at least two episodes. Two-parters will be counted as one episode, so no Stygian.
Amethyst Star
Babs Seed
Big Daddy McColt
Bulk Biceps
Cherry Jubilee
Cloudy Quartz
Double Diamond
Dr. Fauna
Dr. Horse
Filthy Rich
Igneous Rock
Iron Will
King Sombra
Lemon Hearts
Lightning Dust
Loose Tracks
Lotus Blossom
Lyra Heartstrings
Marble Pie
Misty Fly
Ms. Harshwhinny
Night Glider
Night Light
Nightmare Moon
Nurse Redheart
On Stage
Parcel Post
Party Favor
Raspberry Beret
Sapphire Shores
Sheriff Silverstar
Steven Magnet
Sweetie Drops
Twilight Velvet
Zephyr Breeze