• Member Since 16th Jun, 2012
  • offline last seen 2 hours ago


What a beautiful Sunset.

More Blog Posts134

  • 7 weeks
    The Last Plan

    This year didn't end up like I wanted it to. A few severe medical issues impeded most normal life functions, let alone writing. Is this the end? Let's talk about it.

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    4 comments · 340 views
  • 46 weeks
    The Little Strand That Crosses

    The last four years seem like such a blur now, don't they? There was a brief glimpse of clarity in 2020 and then our consciousness was jerked clear into the in-between—disconnected from the gift of life but clearly still present on this side of the page. Will that change? Yes, but maybe not. The rain doesn't stop but sometimes we don't mind being wet. Let's talk about it.

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    12 comments · 757 views
  • 63 weeks
    Happy Sunset Shimmer Day!

    Today, the most glorious of days, we celebrate the one true best girl in all of her glory.

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    7 comments · 522 views
  • 84 weeks
    Yearly Birthday Update?

    Well, it's somewhat of a tradition to pop up once a year to proclaim I'm not dead and give an update now, right? Well let's do it then.

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    26 comments · 677 views
  • 100 weeks
    Sunset Appreciation Server

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The Last Plan · 4:55pm October 19th

This year didn't end up like I wanted it to. A few severe medical issues impeded most normal life functions, let alone writing. Is this the end? Let's talk about it.

In January I made a lot of statements about what was going to be happening on fimfiction for me. It has unfortunately been nine months and nothing has actually happened. This is because of a few pretty severe road bumps in my physical health that completely knocked me out of action to the point I couldn't even do most daily activities with a clear mind and capable body. Over the summer I recovered to the point of lucidity and thankfully am getting back into action to take care of the promises I've made. I have a full writing plan I am going to be executing over the coming months to finish up all of my projects for good.

To be as transparent as possible about that, I'm going to be posting regular monthly updates again until the conclusion of my five-month plan. Here is everything I've got so far:

October: Starting From Scratch (Final Chapter) / SFW one-shot / Four? chapter NSFW story started / Haunting of Canterlot High Complete

November: Equestrian Post-apocalyptic Project mentioned in previous blog (40k+ words) / NSFW story complete

December: Some Mistakes are Forever complete / Two one-shots / SFW Second Person Sunset story started

January: Odd One Out complete / Two one-shots / Little Stars Chapter

February: Little Stars Chapters / SFW Second Person Sunset story finished / unfinished cleanup / Transition to dormancy

After the end of February, I will be officially dormant on the site for the most part. I will likely not post more than two or three stories a year, and those will probably be short snippets, shitposts, or sexcapades at best when I just feel like writing something low-effort and stupid. Like I said in my January post, I will be transitioning almost fully to my original fiction and my efforts to be a real professional author. Wish me luck.

Because of my current life circumstances and recent medical issues, my financial situation is, well, tumultuous. I am not in any danger of financial ruin or desperate need, but I am in a position where I will be stressing about money until my next potential job opportunity happens in 2025 and/or I get my other business profitable. For that reason, I would ask that you consider donating to the patreon. Many of the previous benefits will be rearranged and new things will be offered, but with the changes Patreon is also making to its payment model, I won't be receiving what I had previously in my productive cycles. Even a dollar would be appreciated. I will be posting a new blog soon talking about the updated benefits that you might be interested in, but after February I will likely remove the Patreon entirely as I don't feel comfortable taking money from those I am providing nothing in return for.

That's all I have for now. I'll likely be back in a week to have a full post about the Patreon issue, and then at the end of October for a progress report and reveal the November plan.

If you have any other questions or are curious about any of this, feel free to ask in the comments, if not, thanks for reading.

Report Holy · 340 views ·
Comments ( 4 )

Good luck to you, in all things. Sometimes life just kicks you, and being able to weather it and take stock of your situation is good. Don't push yourself harder than you can take, and do what you enjoy.

Good luck!🍀

Good luck!

Good luck!

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