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  • Wednesday
    Hope to have story updates soon!

    So its been about a week since I sat down to write, spending my free time with another Skyrim run instead. Hope that changes after work today.

    First up will be a short update to Roots of a Cold Heart, then another update to Meet the Lings.

    Haven't forgotten about Unicorn Attack either.

    Hope everyone is doing well!

    3 comments · 41 views
  • 1 week
    I... Just... Sure, why not?

    4 comments · 63 views
  • 2 weeks
    Next Chapter In The Works

    Well, part of me figured after six once-a-day chapters in a row, some followers of my new 'Meet The Lings' story might have been like this for the second half of the week:

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  • 2 weeks
    The Rivalry Reignited

    I have a longtime internet friend down in Fort Worth that has been racing me in various Sonic game stages since Sonic 4 launched in October 2010. We dueled over literal milliseconds in Splash Hill Act 1.

    That then moved over to Sonic Generations the next year, where we raced for the top times in Chemical Plant Act 2 and Crisis City Act 2.

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  • 2 weeks
    Tell Your Tale: Mystery of Missing Time


    Well, um, this week, I kind of want to say that we were robbed. Because of Allura's trust issues, this episode goes nowhere in the end, but for about 60 seconds, this was some phenomenal character development for Zipp.

    11 comments · 181 views

Tell Your Tale Finale: Slide For Your Lives · 11:48am Oct 17th, 2024

This week, for the last time, Izzy creates a water park expansion to the Board Trot for less than a day.

So... Yeah, if you were holding out hope for anything meaningful in the last episode, you can stop. Because the last episode highlights much of TYT's glaring flaws: cute but little else, nothing of consequence happens, and the plot goes absolutely nowhere.

Entirely way too much time in Season 2 was spent with the Board Trot, and perhaps it's appropriate that the last produced episode showcases why G5 fell where G4 soared.

P.S. If you're blindly downvoting detractors without providing any civilized debate or rebuttal, I encourage you to look in the mirror:

Comments ( 31 )

G5 was a sodding mistake.

It could have been so much more. Absolutely paled in comparison to G4, and I think I'm ready to say that it's pretty much an insult that it was in the same canon.

You're all right.

I will not be a dickwad to those who enjoy it. Nor will be one to those who hate it. I most certainly will NOT be a dickwad to the folks who worked on G5. Yes, I know, I'm cussing, that's how frustrated I am.

This fandom has made enough Anti-Bronies with its toxicity and insanity as it is, after all, and Misty's VA deserves better than to be booed out of a room by a bunch of bullies!

With that said, G5, as a whole, sucks. I made my points, including pros and cons, in here - https://www.fimfiction.net/blog/1042836/g5-pros-and-cons

Knowing what I know now, though, I can add this to my thoughts:

So many of G5's problems can safely be attributed to Hasbro's executive-level chaos (including the death of its former leader) and a wild case of 'A fist starts rotting from the head'. Thanks, Mr. Cocks... (no really, that's the current Hasbro leader's actual last name!).

Sorry to see we've already got downvotes in here.

Oh well.

I'm not done, though. I'll keep writing G5 if and when inspiration presents itself, but I'm not going to pretend that this last episode was anything more than a whimper.

The episode was pretty good but it's such a very bitter sweet knowing this is the last one leaving everything on answer and basically with a cliffhanger so yeah... so unfortunate 😕

I still don't think that's the case but the only biggest problem is they never acknowledge it after the movie I mean they did a couple but not as much as we thought it would have been as I just said that they can still exist in the same generation it just unfortunate how they did it and they basically just gave up on it

I honesty didn't expect much and found the short alright. Still though, rip G5, 2021-2024.

I know I posted it on the other blog but time has come for me to post this.

This episode opens on an unseasonably warm day with the looming spectre of a cold-based villain. Pretty sure there's at least one episode of a Batman series that opens like this. And now I want to watch Heart of Ice.

The thing is, in a vacuum, this episode was fine. But in the context of an abrupt cancellation and way too many board-trot episodes, it's incredibly underwhelming. It's clear that the series got cancelled mid-production, and this was simply the last finished episode they had (so they were probably still working on a few unfinished episodes when the hammer dropped), because this is hardly a note to end a show on, much less a note to end the world of Equestria on.


The irony is, from what I heard, G5 started out as an ambitious project to make Hasbro primarily about programming and backing away from the merch side. Then Cocks decided to do an abrupt 180. And yet I've searched Google multiple times for a board-trot playset, something that I've said multiple times the show was trying to market in season two. If it got to a point where they couldn't even make the toys the last dozen episodes were trying to sell, that's pretty pathetic.

Did anyone notice the final joke in the episode was in fact making fun of the show itself. And while this show wasn’t the best they could do, we at least had SOME fun.

Sunny- “Well, it was fun while it lasted.”

Izzy- “I feel like it that might have been my fault.”

Everypony- (Laughing together)

Alfabitle- “I-I think it looks nice like that.”

That's one of the things that seriously upsets me about the handling of G5: Hasbro's last boss was actively trying to steer the company away from putting toy sales ahead of everything else. As soon as he died, however, Mr. Cocks (I'm simply dumbfounded that his family name is Cocks) stepped up take his place. Instead of staying the course to see for himself if his predecessor's business philosophy (which he disagreed with) could actually work, he had Hasbro turn back towards its 'toy sales first' mentality, only with a slight video game sales slant this time around. By that point, however, G5 was still being run in accordance with the last leader's philosophy, so the abrupt change did nothing to help it.

The guy put his own ego before doing business. Again, a fish starts rotting from the head.

Also, I just realized that, for VERY different reasons, G5 (unless we get proven wrong by a sudden announcement of a new show) got the Equestria Girls treatment...

That makes two unfinished tales.

Goddammit Hasbro!

Tbh your fics were basically how I kept up with G5 after the first few MYM episodes :twilightblush:. I watched the rest of MYM and read the comics but TYT just never appealed to me.

G5 feels like a total poster child for wasted potential. The movie came out with an interesting story, great songs, and a memorable voice cast with decent star power, and really nice animation.

MYM and TYT came out and the story was largely dropped, the songs were hit or miss, the VAs totally changed, and both were massive downgrades in terms of animation.

Opaline is introduced alongside Misty and it seems like we're getting a compelling villain with direct ties to major characters from G4. It seems like the plot would finally be setting off.

But then they did absolutely nothing with Opaline besides make her a joke. All the lore about Skyros and other Alicorns basically went nowhere. Misty was fine. Meanwhile TYT was constantly spoiling MYM and had a story quality that went between fine and mind numbing.

Then the first season of MYM ended with Opaline defeated, some lore tidbits ready to be used, and Misty as part of the crew. We get a special that introduced a new villain, and a possible new main cast member. MYM S2 was off to a decent start.

MYM was promptly cancelled and TYT became the new show. It quickly became incredibly obvious that the writers were either unable or uninterested in doing anything with the story. Allura was even less compelling than Opaline and I genuinely don't remember the name of the dude introduced in the special.

But! We were promised multiple 20+ minute special TYT episodes. So there was still hope that some of these lost plot threads could be picked up. That Allura could at least have one exciting episode of villainy.

TYT was promptly cancelled with most of the specials never being aired. With that G5 besides a few comic issues was dead.

What a waste of potential.

we can all agree on one thing tho, Izzy Moonbow is a sweetheart, :3

I mean, of course she is!

Many of the ponies in G5 have their good qualities. :raritywink:

Whelp, that's all she wrote.

G5 has potential, but it could've executed better IMO. If only this generation have more time to develop if Hasbro didn't cancel it.

It's a real shame that it ended so soon. :unsuresweetie:

At least we got to see Izzy’s new magic again.

Agreed. What a letdown to end G5 on. Looks like it's over to the fans to continue the story; I know I will. Why do we live in the worst timeline?

Okay, I've been holding this in ALL DAY. I can't hold it in anymore.

You know who sucks? Cocks.


Accurate in context, but also a South Park joke waiting to happen. I mean, I've never heard of Cocks that suck(s). But I have heard of a cocksucker.

G5 suffered from internal divisions and a multi-national/multi-tiered version of the old adage "too many cooks spoil the broth". Also I find "cart before the horse" to be an apt descriptor of putting the HUGE$ movie before the much lesser$ cartoon.

As to the show itself the MYM wasn't perfect, but it had potential. I made a fuzzing meme about Misty because she was such a good character. I have like a dozen fics saved in my Fimfic library. I've seen some great art and music from other fans.

TYT was a VERY VERY VERY VERY (etc. etc.) mixed bag in terms of quality. Some episodes like the one with Sunny's mom was actually rather touching. But a good % of the eps were of the gag-a-day variety and while I won't pretend that I didn't chuckle a time or two, the overall back&forth didn't do the show any favors. Also outside of some ridiculous bottom line mentality who on earth thought 5 minutes was a good idea especially since the episodes are closer to 3 minutes with the intro and credits removed. By comparison, the Looney Tunes of yore was explicitly set up like the variety/vaudeville style that was popular at the time, and even WITH the opening and closing the episodes were 5-7 minutes long on average, perfect for a quick chuckle before showcasing the news or the latest feature film. TYT has NO excuse.

Hasnobro is more accurate at this point

Gen 5, started out ok and went ultimately nowhere due to corporate bullshit.


The metaphor I like to make is that Sonic the Hedgehog My Little Pony had a rough transition into 3D. In Sonic's case, not counting any of the experimental crap before the Dreamcast, their transition was the Adventure games. And while they were rough around the edges, they were a solid first attempt, especially in the nascent days of 3D games. So actually, it was a pretty good transition. It wasn't until after the transition into 3D that things went off the rails.

You can make the same analogy for MLP. A New Generation had some issues, but it was a fantastic start, and I'm pretty sure MLP had never been done in 3D until that movie. And while G5's downward spiral had different causes from the "dark age" of Sonic, you can't help but wonder what could've been for G5 if it hadn't been for development hell, Covid, and cancer.

And the inability to use half of your established lore.

I know I keep bringing that up, but it is a huge sore spot for me because of how mind-bogglingly stupid that decision was.

The way IP and copyright ownership works has been a major cause of problems for a lot of media nowadays.

Yeah, they seem to love selling their rights to stuff off and to BS people too. The only reason Rainbow Dash wasn't Firefly is because they couldn't get the rights to her... despite her being a main character at one time.

Right? Like neither Hasbro nor (whoever had the rights, Discovery?) can make any use of FIM now.

This damn Boardtrot for Celestia’s sake...

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