• Member Since 3rd Nov, 2016
  • offline last seen Dec 14th, 2024


One mans mission to entertain the masses with tales of a universe that doesn't exist!

More Blog Posts80

  • 17 weeks
    Good evening READERS!

    (long read, but you will laugh at me. I promise)

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  • 28 weeks
    Chapter 15 is going great!

    Let me start this off by saying that I have no idea how long this chapter is going to be. Honestly, I have no clue how long any chapter I start to write will be! I'm fun like that! Well, unless we are talking about my story, Shadows of Eden. That one had a strict word count! 6303 words per chapter! But I can say that Chapter 15 is going very well, and if my past word counts are any inclination, I

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  • 28 weeks

    Is anyone reading this a digital artist who wants to draw a funny picture for chapter art? It does not have to be heavily detailed. I just want to pay someone to draw something funny for The Wildest Dreams.

    DM me here. I'm on the site daily. I rather find someone on the site than go to YCH or phone up an old artist for a meme picture.

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  • 28 weeks
    Chapter 15 is under way!

    I am surprised that the words are flowing out as quickly as they are. But I'm returning to the core elements of FoE writing and having fun with it. I have managed 5k words today, which is a great start for the chapter. But I have already gotten into the action and struggle with not 'going over the top' with things, but I felt Caliber deserved some spotlight! I'm also getting into the nitty gritty

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  • 28 weeks
    What's your take on Pinkie Pie in the FoE lore?

    I have often wondered this about our pink friend, and I pose this question to you all who would see this. What is your stance on pinkie pie (the fallout Equestria pinkie pie), the minister of MoM? Scary, creepy, freaking? What's your take?

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Good evening READERS! · 5:44am Oct 14th, 2024

(long read, but you will laugh at me. I promise)

I apologize for the delay in getting to the latest chapter. When you want to make god laugh, I mean slap his leg and go "Sure, buddy, good luck with that". Tell him your plans! I was all geared up to finish up the latest chapter and fire it off to all those who may be waiting on it! I write in fits and starts, but if fits and starts were fueled by cocaine. So I usually do quite a bit of groundwork, some eyeballing, and a few rough drafts in the chapter for friends to read and give me advice on when I do manage to fart something out.

I had finalized what I wanted to put to paper, had my notes ready, and promptly went on vacation with my wife and kids to see the Blue Angles in Florida! ( I saw the first female BA Pilot fly; my life is complete!). Having seen their antics, I decided to write a future segment of a future chapter that night! Call it inspiration. Having fired off nearly 7500 words in a night of heavy drinking with the smell of jet fuel still in my nose, I went to bed and decided to kill the chapter tomorrow and edit it on the 9th when I got home.

I woke up the next day with a fever, chills, headache, and cough. Fucking awesome. I caught the GD Koof. No matter, call the tellidoc and get the meds, feel better, go home, write-write-write, ???, non-profit! Yay. NO GOD DAMN IT. I was given the regular meds for Koof, and nothing helped. 3 days later, I'm driving home with a 100f fever and in a fog! Ok, no biggy, I'm sure im just deep in the throws of healing and fighting this trash off. Somewhere between Montgomery and Birmingham OMW back to TN (home sweet home), I began to sneeze. That is what we like to call "Progress!". I'm in tune with my body, I'm 37 and have been sick a lot in my life... usually when the sneezing starts, I start getting better.

(for those wondering, we drive separately to the beach. The wife and kids in one car, myself in my wrangler. Myself, Hunter and Joey ((yes... I did the thing and named my kid after the main character of this story)) enjoy fishing while the wife enjoys book reading and frosty margs on the beach)

Excited by this, I started feeling better from some placebo effect in my mind. Hours pass, and I have ruined my windshield and stopped for Windex and God's forbidden fruit. The gas station roller dawg! Having cleaned the snot from my windscreen and dinned on only the FINEST 12-hour slow-cooked weenies, I set off again, bound for the mountains of Tennessee! It was somewhere near Chattanooga that things took a turn. Chatt is not a town I enjoy stopping in so I tried to stick it out, but then the unthinkable happened. Just as I merged on to 75 I got taken over by a sneezing fit and nearly crashed. Not because I was sneezing, but because the roller dawgs turned out to be rent to own lol.

Yup... pooped going 85 mph mid-sneeze. Full blown too. I was living a nightmare. I still had my sense of smell and the aroma of fish from the beach and radioactive hot dogs is not one I had ever experianced. So now, I have to find a car wash somewhere off the beaten path to clean up. I will spare details and give the broad strokes. I looked out the mountain, and I considered just driving off the cliff. By Athens, where I found the carwash, there was a long period where I considered just burning the jeep to the ground and claiming it was stolen. I ended up at a truck stop shower, threw my clothes away and set off for home.

As days go by, I'm not getting better. My cough has become wet. I have taken five COVID tests, including one at a walk-in clinic. All are negative. I got to where if I laughed, I would start into a coughing fit. My fever broke on the 9th and I started feeling better, but that was when the cough got BAD. I ended up at a legit doctor's office and completed a full workup. it all came back surprisingly normal. to give an example, I have abused my body with fast food for up to 7 days a week at one time. I'm overweight and used nicotine for over 17 years... I somehow had 117 for cholesterol... fucking how... The doctor said I'm very fortunate to have good genetics but a BP of 135/82 was too high and advised I quit vaping. So I did and yup, got worse!

This went on for over 5 FUCKING WEEKS! Finally, I was given antibiotics. yup, you guessed it, I never even had to take them. The symptoms disappeared when I planned to take them the next day. What... the... fuck...
Another thing is that I never got anyone else sick! It was just me! Like, WTF! IDK what the hell I caught, but it fucked me over for 6 weeks nearly and I still hack up a wad of gunk ever so often.

My best guess is this. I got a cold, that cold gave me an infection. That infection was made worse by me stopping vaping (I'm still quiet, btw). Your body goes through a healing cycle when you quit smoking/vaping, and you end up rejecting lots of crap that the little hairs in your lungs, which were paralyzed by nicotine, had failed to reject.

I am writing this now, feeling better apart from a small sinus headache. If it is not gone by tomorrow, I'm going on antibiotics to kill it off. I can't tell if it is an infection or if it is just my body healing from the worst cold I have ever had. At any rate, I hope to get back to it soon and release the next chapter. it's half done; I just need to put it to paper! Thank you for being patient.

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