Amazing story · 11:58pm Oct 8th, 2024
When the chaplain and a damage control officer get the Medal of Honor, and twenty others get Navy Crosses, you know shit got real. I've been waiting for this episode to drop, and it doesn't disappoint:
I like writing about the worst day of a character's life; it lets us see the mettle inside. (Pronouns: RB/20 )
When the chaplain and a damage control officer get the Medal of Honor, and twenty others get Navy Crosses, you know shit got real. I've been waiting for this episode to drop, and it doesn't disappoint:
Yeah. So much went FUBAR quickly. Fifty miles off the coast of Japan, and you're at Condition 3? Amazing heroics borne from incomprehensibly poor command decisions.
Exactly so.
And it's just horrible luck that the last hot stick left in Japan was flying the dive bomber that day.