• Member Since 30th Jan, 2014
  • offline last seen 10 hours ago


A lot has happened, and I mean A LOT. But... I'm slowly coming back. May need help with that.

More Blog Posts169

  • 6 weeks

    Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays to all.

    I intended to have this story out today, so much so to the point of me commissioning this art from Riouku, but a surprise family visit and obligations have gotten the way. I intend for the story to be finished asap, no longer than the end of the year.

    At the very least, enjoy this art from Riouku. I'll be back soon.

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    0 comments · 42 views
  • 18 weeks
    Possible Commissions

    While I was climbing my way back, outside factors of life might have changed my course, temporarily.

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    0 comments · 72 views
  • 51 weeks
    Happy Hearts and Hooves Day 2024

    Hey, it's me, believe it or not.

    Still struggling with life (aren't we all?), but finally making some progress, including coming back. Chatting with some you guys wouldn't hurt me getting on that road.

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    5 comments · 282 views
  • 103 weeks
    Happy Valentine's Day

    Yes, I know I've been gone for a while. There's a lot, and I mean a lot reasons for that, but I've never left this place. Maybe I'll go into more details in the future.

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    3 comments · 262 views
  • 195 weeks
    I've Finally Watched Breaking Bad... Really lives up to Hype!

    For years, I have had some friends who have gone on and on about a show called "Breaking Bad", with many naming it the greatest show they've ever seen. Despite having access to it, I never got around to actually watching it for a few reasons, with the big ones being time and the fear of the overhype.

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Possible Commissions · 1:41am Oct 4th, 2024

While I was climbing my way back, outside factors of life might have changed my course, temporarily.

Long story short, I'm considering opening a few commissions because might need the help. Let me emphasize that it's nothing urgent. I have plenty saved up and am at no risk of eviction, losing my car, or any other serious situation. A lot of unplanned bills came at once, and I'm considering the option to minimize financial loss. Don't feel obligated about this. It's just a choice.

I've always been slightly hesitant to open commissions because I always wanted to tell the stories I wanted to tell, but since I've been gone for a while, I might as well get back on track with stories other people would like me to write.

While I consider this, the rules off the top of my head are:

1. One-shots only (can have a few chapters)
2. Nothing too kinky if that's the story you're requesting
3. PayPal only
4. Rates depend on the type, genre, and length of the story but is also negotiable
5. FiM only
6. Limited slots available if I take commissions.
7. Will also write scripts for comics if you want a script writer for that.
8. I will still be writing in my style, so keep that in mind. I would take the story where I think I would take

There may be more rules I'm not thinking of, but those are what came to mind.

Like I said, nothing is guaranteed yet, but if you're interested or have any questions, send me a direction message here on FimFiction with your synopsis or concept. Depending on the number of requests and what not will determine if I go through with this. I do guarantee that if we proceed, I will complete your story within two-four weeks. I know for a fact that when I have a commitment and deadline, I do pull through.

If nothing else, I do hope this puts me back on track so I can go back on a roll with my own stories. Thank you for your time.

Report RS-Belle14 · 72 views ·
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