• Member Since 9th May, 2024
  • offline last seen Last Friday


Veteran Fanfic writer back in the game. I edit my own stuff, so patience please! I do crossovers, mostly DMC related, but there will be a mix. With some MLP originals too, of course. Happy reading!

More Blog Posts6

  • Thursday
    Coming in for another update

    Hey readers and new readers.
    Just wanted to give a little update on my situation as to why there has been no updates on my two stories.
    First of all, yes both my stories (Devil Mare Cry & The horror story) are still continuing.

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    2 comments · 24 views
  • 9 weeks
    Quick Note & Update

    Hello readers, just dropping a quick little update,
    So I'm just gonna get right to it.

    1. The next chapter of Devil Mare Cry will be out within the first week of October,
    I'm aiming for before the weekend, so while it may not have been out within September,
    It's still something I prefer over another three-month gap between chapters like last time.

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    1 comments · 38 views
  • 11 weeks
    What took me so long to update?

    Hello readers of mine
    It's been a while since I was here.
    A lot happened, so I'll get right to it.

    I originally intended to have chapter 4 out last month
    I rewrote a lot and planned several other things in my storyboard doc for Devil Mare Cry.
    Mostly after I made the decision to have it take place within season 6 since I feel like my plans will fit much better for that season.

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    5 comments · 30 views
  • 20 weeks
    Quick Update On Chapter 4

    Hello dear readers.
    I know I posted an update already, but as you may have noticed, it's been a bit quiet on my end.
    Which is the reason I'm popping in.
    Please excuse my lack of grammar in this post, if there is any as at the time of typing this,
    I have just gotten home after a long night shift.
    All that aside, the update.

    To make a long story short,

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    6 comments · 111 views
  • 24 weeks
    Chapter 4

    Hello readers
    Just popping in for a little update
    I wasn't going to do updates like this because I never expected people to like my story
    Knowing that there are some people who are invested in my story is definitely a huge motivation for me, and definitely a reason to update.
    So without further ado, the update:

    Chapter 4 is at least 40% done
    June is the start of my busy period at work.

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    0 comments · 72 views

Quick Note & Update · 12:09am October 1st

Hello readers, just dropping a quick little update,
So I'm just gonna get right to it.

1. The next chapter of Devil Mare Cry will be out within the first week of October,
I'm aiming for before the weekend, so while it may not have been out within September,
It's still something I prefer over another three-month gap between chapters like last time.
It's almost finished, and then there's just editing left.
This very slight delay is only because I spent a bit of time on my first poem story, as well as another short story for October, which leads me
to my next note.

2. Sometime within October, I'm releasing a 5-10 chapter horror short story to celebrate Spooktober.
I've already started it, too. It will be my very first story involving Equestria Girls. So I'm pretty excited about releasing it since I am quite the horror fan. Once that's out, I hope you all will come to enjoy it, especially if you've already liked my current stories.

That's pretty much it for now.
Probably my shortest update yet.
It's a new record :rainbowlaugh:

Anyway, thanks for reading, and especially for the continued interest in my stories.
As always, Happy Reading.
Catch you all in the next one.:twilightsmile:

Comments ( 1 )

Wonder who will be in the horror story? :0

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